Friday, February 27, 2009

even though i left school early

100 for coming to rehearsal after school


to everyone: bad juju=bad show

putting it out there


Thursday, February 26, 2009

he's so preeeeeeeetty

he touched me ms. he's so HOT. oh my god

i was sweating. really badly

100 for staying after btw

i need a boyfriend

this is getting pathetic

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

before i forget all of this

100 for staying after

francesca and steven are beasts

and now i really know what youre talking about. watching other people do it really spells it out for you.

just for chelsea notes are to youtube clowns at some point, and google a shitty home in cranberry.


p.s. feel better, drennypoo. ilu :-)

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

chew us out. im ready for it

i didn't do anything wrong. totally ready for it

100 for staying after. finally got to act today

to evryone: fucking eachother over=bad


Monday, February 23, 2009

and beeteedubs

my mom actually doesnt have a problem with me staying after a lot. its a miracle from the buttocks of jesus christ himself

(look at below post please)

i have a pounding headache

100 for staying after, darling

hahahahahahahha miss i love you more than anything. flynn can suck it

yay for new freshman. we really are old. ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Friday, February 20, 2009

woopwoopwoop im not actually COMPLETELY dead

100 for staying after please.

and the quote is too long to write. buy 'the reader'. its right before chapter six. like, the entire page and a little before that. anyway

steve jones is amazing

and boobop. screw anyone who talks shit about musicals and doesnt know about them. they suck

i want to be wehibdsjufbsaifbdusiflbdsafjklsda. i want to be awesome. and no one can stop meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

i want to sleep


Thursday, February 19, 2009

i do absolute jack without rehearsal. i need a life

Movement: walking
voice: stuff from funny girl
reading: julius caesar. all of those guys are legit pussies. no lie

participation: 100 for 'blending into the masses', doing what i was told and giving (hopefully helpful?) line notes

casey and i are trying to get meagher-diello to sub instead of dvorak. she said she would talk to you so :/

and yes. help is needed. it would be nice. only sophomore year my ass, dude. :///////////

why do people ignore hints? it doesnt make anything disappear. maybe THEY should

i really don't like being at home. not at all. my mom is 'threatening' to 'take me out of the show' which she wouldn't do in a million years because she knows if i went back to district i'd be doing stupid shit. she says that my lack of organization skills about rehearsal are interfering with what she has to do and get done in her life.

yes, I'm sorry, mom. your busy schedule of sitting on your lazy fat ass and eating popcorn and chips must really take a toll on your nerves. how DO you stand it?

and btw, the boy character from 'the reader' is scarily close to me. i'll get the quote tomorrow, if i'm not dead.


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

if mama was married lalalala

and never gets carried away

100 for staying after and brusing my wrist in the name of this fine show

not to be stealing emily's style, but i really am done with high school.

fuck you temper and fuck you rich, snotty, girls who look like a cross of a puertorican bunny and saint bernard who should keep their mouths shut



Tuesday, February 17, 2009

i can't come up with any wisdom. i am tired

Rofl to the copter. I'm really glad I'm not gonna be an actor XD

Movement: chasing my dog around the house for at least 10 minutes to get him to take a bath. ugh
Voice: 'I'm a Star' by Scott Alan. It's the dumbest yet best song ever
Reading: MSND
Participation: 100 for becoming better with powertools (miraculously) for the five minutes i helped matt unscrew that big fucking thing in the wing. i really suck a them and have gotten a lot better :-)

i've supposed to have gotten my hair cut for the past week. i haven't. it pisses me off. becasue you wanted to know

go see slumdog millionaire, btw. good, good stuff.

underground musical theatre is the shit. just saying

and jersey girls make me want to throw up. it's like the south but 10 times worse.



Thursday, February 12, 2009


even though my gpa is only at like 3.4 (out of 4) now :/

100 for staying after

i didn't realize how talented and hot steve jones is

after that beat thing, i would hop on that

no lies, man


Wednesday, February 11, 2009


100 for staying after



Tuesday, February 10, 2009

So. boobopbop


Movement: Stretches
Voice: Shoofle
Reading: La Casa de Barnarda Alba
Participation: 100 for taking lead on Emily's and my Props thang. We're not finished :-) boopbopbop

alright. just wanna put this out there:

YOU are not high and mighty. You are not a teacher's assistant. This means that you do not cut people off in conversations, make your opinions seem like the only ones that are 'right' and 'matter', and subjugate others for putting their feelings foward. It's not being 'artistic' or 'expressive.' It's being a douche

and one more thing. wipe your feet at the door, dumbfucks. don't drag everyone else down with you. RAWR

that felt better

so much for trying to not complain as much



Monday, February 9, 2009

i died around 730 or 8

100 for staying after

yay for me not getting a c and maybe doing a GOOD musical next year



Friday, February 6, 2009

and also, beeteedubbs

instead of knowing 100% jack douche about the light board

i now know 95.5% jack douche about the light board

great thanks, daniel baker

i salute you

reading below post would be appreciated

what the jack

100 for staying after

holy fuckballs. i hate not having ONE sexy, sex-linked, or even sex-related bone in my body

i felt like such a douche and i looked like it


i feel retardedly stupif poopfaced today. i probably looked like a stiff contortionist with down syndrome.

and i mean this in the most sincere way


Thursday, February 5, 2009

Hellooooo, ms. lady


movement: jumping jacks
voice: a retarded song from shreak the musical
reading: just going over lines
participation: 100

for getting a 100 for my memorization. because it was that hard XD

your comment made me misty, even though that is really corny.

i feel like im getting that stomach thing. and im supoosed to stay after? wootwoot :////////

I am going to bed



Wednesday, February 4, 2009

just kidding about the vocals

just sand some shit from rent


looking at below post works, too

Um. so

I'm going to bed really early.

Movement: running back and forth in the halls since that thing was blocked off
Voice: Zippos
Reading: MSND before we started

Paticipation: 100 for staying after

So. Yeah. I sound like a functioning human being when I write. It's more of a stream of conciousness (these things, I mean) then anything else. It's hard to let go of something you've done for so many years.

Like...I've been dumbing myself down since elementary school just so I would make friends.

This sounds really REALLY pompous, but I believed I was smarter than most of my class, and at the time being different=diediedie, so that's what happened. And it's easier said than done to change. But I guess if i don't want to be miserable for the reast of my life, I guess I have to start anew now. I'm just kinda lost of how to. So just get back to me on this, pleasies

fuck you for being so smart


Monday, February 2, 2009

I am not coming in tomorrow

I really, really don't feel good.

Movement: Roller blades
Voice: While My Guitar Gently Weeps
Reading: MSND
Participation: 100 for helping out with the speedthroughette and giving line notes

i am tired. i feel like crap

i am going to bed

no interestings for today



Sunday, February 1, 2009

fuck you and fuck everybody

i can say with all my heart and soul that everyone sucks huge donkey clitoris

im completely legit about this

i did a lot work


you, whoever you are reading this

you have no life so you come to MY blog??? REALLY?



everyone sucks


im so mad right now

fuck it
