Thursday, April 30, 2009


Participation- I wasn't in class...

to be honest, I did not read today for the sole reason of being worn out. I'll get going on it on Monday, when I've been well-rested. Even though I haven't had that much to do. But I *did* write the Press Release for the freshman showcase, so... :-)

But yeah. What I found really weird today is that lady that when I had the workshop with in the drunk driving contest, I had those same, scared, light-headed feelings as I did when I had that stunt in school. She was a guest speaker in driver's ed that day when I almost fainted. She freaks me out anyway. I'm probably over reacting, but, it just gets me light headed thining about it, believe it or not.

I think I'm gonna add a thing or two to the newsletter and head to bed. By the way, when I have the web document preview in word, it's all sqished. Not good. Teach me things, Jedi master.


Wednesday, April 29, 2009


100 for today. I briefly discussed my short idea with Hope (it's including her, if all goes well). And watched the Big Shave and laughed my ass off afterward.

So, important things today:

I hate the school. That's all I have to say about that.

I was really too upset to read, so I right now I'm listening to a 'Hammer Conversation' at UCLA between Henry Rollins and Amanda Palmer.

They talked about a bagillion things that made me really depressed about being a critic and made me reflect on myself a bit:

-That critics are people who couldn't make art, so decided to work for the artists and critique their work, and how there would always be the slightest tinge of resentment toward them. It just shakes me down to the core. I know this is what I'll be good at and what I have a natural 'oomph' to do (along with liking to do it), but this heart-wrenching feeling that makes me want to sob and scream comes up. Remember when you talked about bad artists, and how they were like...the most depressing people in the world to think about?

-Also, about how most artists 'don't care' about what you say. Doesn't that make the whole field just...obsolete? I mean, what are we trying to prove if the artists don't listen to what we have to say? I, personally, would only have something to say to the artist as I consider them the most gifted and lucky creatures on the Earth. Giving the public a reason to praise me because I did so well in college and paid attentnion in the smart people classes is not what I'm into.

Henry Rollins calls most (who only have 'an attitude and a keyboard') "ants at the picnic." They could not do, so they write about those WHO do. That depresses the absolute shit out of me. They remind me of English teachers. My God, I hope I won't be an English teacher. Hopefully I'll be in the A-pile when the critique police judge whose work is completely gratuitous and unessasary, and whose actually has meaning and depth. Amanda was saying how she felt bad becasue she knows that the people in the office or the people critiquing her work (some of them, anyway) hate her because she's doing what they wanted to do.

But she also said that hopefully if the person knows what they're doing and is a big enough fan, I guess, they'l l be just as passionate writing about an amazing piece of music or record as they would be talking about a horrible record or song (they were talking about music critics, obviously). "If you can write well enough, you've probably 'out-arted' most of the musicians you've been talking about." :-)

"Writing about music is like dancing about architecture." Lawls.

By the way, when you're in the actual field of critique, a job, do the rules you mentioned apply to the person pursuing that career? I know the thing about being mean just to be mean, but...I just want to know. Is there a difference between critiquing your peers and critiquing those who you don't know?

Also, this has absolutely zero to do with criticism, but they talked about the dumbness about people blogging. But also, about how like really dumb housewives with no exciting lives blogging about how they went to Olive Garden and saw their friend from Middle School there. But how housewives with no lives can express how they went to Olive Garden ans saw their friend from Middle School and showcase a writing talent. And how that was special...and how those people should be the majority of people doing that. Besides Britney, Katy Perry, and Mario Lopez. Because those are the people that really matter.


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

crunchchrunchcrunch my soul is dying

I don't like doing Meisner with Katelin. She makes me nervous. I know I'm low status and sweaty and nasty. Bleckbarf. Fuck off. Happy and sad I'm not acting. I love it, but I don't have actor's...mind. Obviously.


A fucking billion other things to do along with moving, but I'm happy and dying at the same time. It's my masochistic ways.

I am mad. I hate my mother. Fuck you for not knowing the shit I'm doing right now. Fuck you.

About the criticism book. Pages 5-10. I'm improving, day by day....

This guy's fucking ideas are all over the place, talking about criticizing poetry, Shakespeare, litertaure, all going and back forth between the three of them. Can't wait until I get into an actual essay about ONE thing.

Things I found intriguing:

-When artists criticize their own work, and how it's ridiculous to have some random critic judge the final product of what you've put your soul into. Even though they have to right training and crudentials and knowledge to do so.

-How Shakespeare would be totally not understanding our criticism of his work today, making the only...'relevant' or 'definitive' critique of any of his works would be from his time.

-The guy keeps bringing up a billion differnent points as to why criticism deserves and has its autonomy in the field. I swear, he needs to get his ideas togehter. It's probably just some central theme I'm missing.

-Before starting to actually critique things, read up on all the important shit, formulate your own stances on them to not look like a complete douche, which is what I will start to do over the summer.

-How much my vocabulary blows, and how badly I need an SAT vocab book. I mean it's not terrible, but there are words are I shoudl know already in this book. All the big words and the blibbityblabble is confusing to a dumbass like yours truly.

-The theory that criticism can be a science (as well as an art) but not like boring 'unimaginative and barbaric' science, but 'systematic' or 'progressive' in its steps.

-Also, on criticizing Shakespeare: 'interpreting in terms of a conceptual framework which belongs to the critic alone.

That's mostly it.

100 today for actively participating (for the last time) in Meisner. Me and acting are over. This was just the nails being jackhammered into the coffin. Goodnight.



Monday, April 27, 2009

brain diahrrea

ow, brain hurt.

100 for today as I participated and went to Flynn's for practico.

So. I'm fucking pathetic. Four and a half pages. It's been a long night.

I have a bunch of people and their work to look up. I like this guy who wrote this. He's clever. For right now, it's covering a plethora of different subjects, or it seems so to me. Like, the possibility of the parasitism of critics. That theory really intrigues me, cause I know where it comes from. People wanting to be surrounded by art, "but both lack the power to produce it and the money to patronize it, and thus form a class of middlemen..." That artists like to think of critics as artists manque.
Or, "the attepmt to reach the public directly thorugh 'popular' art assumes that criticism is artificial [and consequently uneeded?], and public taste natural."

"Synoptic view." It has a snazzy ring to it. It looked important.

sighsighsigh. I took a billion gillion notes of qutoes I liked. if you want to see them. Your highlights also helped like 600%, btw. Thanks. :-) I also learned many new words tonight and feel supersmart.

I think I really need to read more than four and a half pages to formulate an opinion, though. It'll sound less like I substituted quotes for my own opinions as I get farther and farther. I promise.


Thursday, April 23, 2009

Gogol Bordello shirts and black skinny jeans

Super question: since my major is no longer acting, shoud I still do actor's journals?

Voice: Shuffle
Movement: Mamma Mia. I was dancing to it. For like, 20 minutes on a loop. Bitches.
Reading: :/

Participation: 100 for the Biscko discussion

As I am currently getting yelled at for not being in bed, I will contact Chantal tomorrow. And Dvorak.

I'm officially:

-Theatre editor for the school newspaper (meeting on Tuesday)
-Manager for JNBTNN
-Editor of the SPA Newsletter (not technically as of yet, but you know)
-Elmo Stroganoffsky


I beat you



I need to do a karaoke verite of Mamma Mia!!!

Who's in? I swear to god, it'll be fucking incredible

Journal will be later. I needed to get that out.


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Lalalala Excited

excited for CRUNCH TIME!

It gives such a high, doing a bajillion things at once. Hopefully I can do it

Voice: Songs from bad musicals and movie musicals
Excercise: :/
Reading: :/

Participation: 100 for contacting everyone except Marshall :-) And for small changes I'm about to make on the newsletter. Just dates and stuff, but still.

I feel proud myself for pushing Mr. Biscko. Hopefully, he doesn't find me annoying yet. I'm going fifth period to see him.

And I need to find a title. Suggestions/Thoughts/Comements?


Tuesday, April 21, 2009


No set. Blehblehbleh

I sweat SO much today, it was crazy. Yuck

Voice: Shuffle
Movement: SplitsnStretches
Reading: Picked up As You Like It.

Participation: 100

for unbracing like 5 or 6 things, altogether. Like, all the parts that I did combined.

I listen to bad musicals. Why??

Also, Papsie pulled me over and was talking to me about doing something for the newspaper. I told her I would, but I don't know what to do...exactly. And I have yet to talk to Biscko. He's been 'really busy'.

I'm going to sleep.


Monday, April 20, 2009

i be bloggin muhfucka

100 for staying after for both auditions. do i have to do the voice/reading/movement since i was there?



I'm happy. yayayayay

And the freshman are adorable. I <3 them. Especially the girl who had the holocaust monologue. I haven't (internally) laughed so hard in my life. Not like I was any better than her when I auditioned, though.

I stank so bad today. Cause you wanted to know. I hate smelling like a dead animal.

i just saw lightning. i should finish this.

I would like to send you some last-minute changes after I talk to Biscko (hopefully tomorrow).

And like, I've been in a manic happysad mood lately so. Yeah, I lied.

It's probably just PMS. cause you wanted to know about my menstrual cycle


Sunday, April 12, 2009


I fucking hate having a one-track mind. I'm a simpleton who's trying not to be.

I'm trying to be an artist of SOME sort, and I feel like fucking roseanne barr.

There's no fucking spark of creativity in me.

What the fuck? I feel trapped in a bubble of retardation.

happy fucking easter

Thursday, April 9, 2009

im a spinster

it's becoming set in stone.

movement: showing off my ability of split-yness during school
voice-singing. youtube things. seerauber jenny. stuff like that
reading- bleh :-[

participation-100 for pretty much cleaning up the enitrety of dressing rooms with katelin and casey

just about to email biscko and go to bed


i'm going to have nothing to do. i'm broke and i have no social life. i'm a definite winner, everyone.


Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Movement: cheerleading streches. allll the way back form third grade.
Voice: Just my shuffle
reading: I was reading part of gut girls, but i got bored and stopped.

participation: 100 for doing newslettery things.

emailed flynn.
typed up the first draft.
did the alumni thing.

now, all i neeed to do is wait.

and the stuff you were talking about before was so freaking exciting. :-)


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

something other than...sweeeeeeeneeeeeeeeey

Got the first theatre part of the newsletter done which i'll show to you tomorrow (handwritten)

all i need is the dance part, the biscko thing, and the thing you were telling me about and i'll be set. anyway

Voice: Alto's Lament: Great song:-)
Movement: Stretches. I put both legs over my head at almost the same time today. :-)
Reading: meepmipmmop
Participation: 100 working on the newsletter. fweep :-)

it's so stupid. when i have a show: supportive teachers with bundles of homework

no show=no homework. wtf?


Monday, April 6, 2009

one more thing

You know how some kids who are in their community production of Cinderella, and are like "ACTOR ACTOR ACTOR I'M AN ACTORRRRRRRRAWRIEATYOUNOW" and are *so* insistent on showing off and talking about the show outside of rehearsal? and being like "zomg it went so wellll i can't wait for the showwwwwww let's talk about what happened todayyyyyyyy"

and some kids keep it on the downlow and don't talk about it.

like, the kids i knew from camp who did professional shows on broadway and stuff and really didn't seem to give a rat's ass. I get that now. Not like they didn't care, know

not in your face

silent proudness of yourself.

read the post below, por favor


back to this again. getting back into step with things.

Movement: calf stretches and avoiding fainting/throwing up
Voice: Across the Universe cover by Rufus Wainwright
Reading: Nuffin. gimme a break, it's my first day back.
Participation: 100 for a potential career major switch [and starting the newsletter]

You cannot believe the huge fucking weight that's been lifted off of my back now. Like...with acting, it's just one of those things.

I love it, can't live without it around me, I'm just no good at it. I try...but I'm pretty sure it's not for me. I go into denial for periods of time, putting myself through all these illusions and shit (not good for my phsyche and wellbeing, but you know). It's unbelievably painful to know what you love is what you suck at.


I'm very excited.

Although I don't want like a...wall to build up around my thoughts like I did with acting and have like...a creative filter, I guess. No one should ever use thaty term, 'creative filter.' How fucking horrible is that?

It's like this huge weight is lifted and I'll start coming into my own. hopefully. and, also, awkwardness slipping away (slowy but surely) is a step up, eh?

OH. and I'm going to the doctor next week to see if I have an iron defficiency. Is that spelled correctly?

Do you know what's so scary? I used to have perfect spelling and perfect grammar, and now I can like...feel it slipping away. That's one of the most suckiest feelings. Ever.

Oh! And I came up with a template for the newsletter, yay. And I'm writing the article as we speak. One for theatre, one for dance seems to be fair.

I feel like I'm typing like Gabe. Oh boy.

anwyay. I'll only have the template fully for you by tomorrow, although I'll start writing it more thoroughly after I get off (my mom is being a major bitch).

hopefully, this is gonna work out. cross the fingers, kiddies


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

holy shit


the show is tomorrow

oh my god

100 for tech

oh my god

im so excited. and scared

peace :-)