Wednesday, March 10, 2010

This is some shit.

Should I be blogging? I'll do it.

PG: 100 for PMing my movie, helping getting everything set up, and talking to both Brown and Dr. Mazz to get things set up for panel (Mr. Sac asked me about it today. Mr. fucking SAC. He me about this new technology that xbox is coming out with; like Wii to the extreme. It sounds awesome). And continuously being at 100% on the awesomeosity scale at all times.

I am not going to do any dramaturgy junk today just for the sheer fact that I think I deserve a break. Is that bad? Am I shitting on my work ethic? Fuck it.

I have so much to do. Literally, I'm in a whirlwind of flying feces---the feces being all of the crap I have to do. Pun definitely intended.

I want to go to college. I want to go to college. I want to go to college.

I'm fucking DONE with high school. I've overpaid my dues. I'm usually not this uppity about this kind of stuff, but I've done what I have to do. I love it at SPA, but I want to go to a place where people don't bring foghorns or are 14 and pregnant. I feel like I'm in a fucking...monkey pit or something. A pit of chimpanzees. Not to say that the entire school is full of ruhtards, but oh my God.

You'll find people like this everywhere, but it's still fun to hope you'll be somewhere different soon.

America's Next Top Model has changed. Sadness ensues.

I want more princess lessons.

I hope my teacher doesn't get sick.

I, I, I. Me, me, me.

Too late? Probably. Hopefully not on all fronts.

(First blog on the netbook, hollaheyha)
And WHAT is it with variety firing their theatre and film critics? Like, what?

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