Monday, April 26, 2010

Back to real journals.

It's like actual school. What?

So I started Hamlet, and then got your email. Sooooooooooooooo, Comedy of Errors time.

So Egeon's really upset and junk because he's going to be executed for not paying a fine. He's telling the Duke of what happened to him and his family. Super sad, actually. So he's happy and with a wife and junk, and she has twins (two boys). The same day, some really poor chick has twin boys that Egeon takes to be his son's slaves. Egeon's family goes on some sort of sea voyage, and the boat was hit by a crazy tsunami of death, leaving Egeon saving his own life at one side of the boat and his wife with one slave and one son at the other, having their lives saved. He never saw his children or wife after that. After he confesses his horrible story, he's granted one more day to pay his fine so he won't be executed.

That's where I stopped.


I'm guessing I'll have to become more apathetic about things like this. Not ambivalent like I thought. Just apathetic. Madonna makes me feel better. My nail polish is chipping. So is my sanity.

PG: 100 for holding my own against my class and explaining why doing one big film is a bad idea and trying to have them not get married to the idea and to not be dogmatic about it, and trying to make sure things didn't get discombobulated. I think today everyone who's awesome should get a 100. Just saying.

I think I'm making the right decision by separating myself from my class. They really haven't proven themselves to be independent or efficient enough to actually put up a showcase on their own, which I think this year's mainstage was supposed to prepare them to do. Since I'll be learning independently with internships and junk, why not start now? Really. It can't do much damage. I'll SM the actual production and help out if I'm there, but other than that...not so much.

Next year's going to blow. Huge. But I'm still excited to get the fuck outta hur and do my own showcase.

And do my portfolio.

I think I might be more excited for this Freshmen Showcase than I was for my own.

Anyway, though. I need to get in contact with some of these companies ASAP.

Btdubs, I saw Lou in school today. Woop.

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