Wednesday, June 2, 2010


100 for today for the discussion with Louis about marketing and the proposal for my senior showcase. We talked about making a postcard for just my lovely self to send to Carol Thompson and other colleges and other awesome people to get myself out there. Am getting Scat Silvay to do my headshot.

Proposal as of now (need proper opening and closing, and more descriptiveness I guess. it's really vague and unconvincing, but I kind of have time to work on that):

To Whom it May Concern --

My time spent at the School of Performing Arts has allowed me to acquire a well-rounded education in all aspects of theatrical training, ready for a professional environment's cut-throat settings. With my chosen major being stage management, I am requesting a $500 grant for a senior showcase project assistant stage managing a professional play with Cake productions, Aloha, Say the Pretty Girls by Naomi Iizuka.
With the grant given me, I would be able to provide myself with transportation to and from rehearsals, technical rehearsals, and performances, along with funds for advetisements of my own to market my work and my current work to send to colleges and potential employers.


Chelsea Moroski


Yeah. 'Budget plan' as of now:

Student pass for one month from Iselin Metropark roundtrip: $290

Might bring bike to come in and out of Manhattan. If not, PATH train from Newark to Downtown for one moth: $180 (costs the same as the subway, only above ground and less rapey).

It's a rough plan for now.

It'll be worked on. Promise.



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