Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Friday, March 27, 2009


soooo happy i get to sleep in a bit tonight :-))))))))))))))

I'm getting so excited :-)

100 for rehearsal


Thursday, March 26, 2009


I'm like...happy. not super tired (although tired), not mad, not pissed at anyone. I feel happy :-)

100 for rehearsal


Wednesday, March 25, 2009


homework, then sleep. oodles of fun

but the run through=major yays. its coming along :-):-):-)


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

AHHHHHH I HATE SCHOO...oh wait, don't wanna be an e***y

100 for rehearsal

i dont like it

i dont learn anything valuable

drivers fucking ed can suck my dick. i will record the video tomorrow

i have learned today that i am a really fake person. like, not kidding...it's really bad.

is everyone else like that?

i should be doing english homework right now

i want to bash my head into a wall

in the bad way

i want to punch things
i am mad about nothing
i think i might be clinically depressed

fucking sonnets

shakespeare is a fucking asshole

i must seem like the hugest bitch to everyone right now
i sure as fuck feel like one
i'm a bitter, old heffer at 15.
i think i spelled heffer wrong

i feel like im getting a tiny bit awkward-er as the days go by. like i'm rocking back and forth trying to get out of a bubble and kicking and screaming and i just end up looking like the fat ugly awkward one who makes unfunny, stupid sex jokes to make people like her, and it just ends up pushing more people away. that blows a lot

i feel like a fucking simpleton. a degenerate

poop is the best way to describe how i'm feeling right now

i feel like fucking poop


Thursday, March 19, 2009

I have no school tomorrow

100 for rehearsal



Wednesday, March 18, 2009

rip natasha richardson :-(

i can't believe she's dead. that fucking blows

100 for rehearsal

today was a nice day. less stressy than it usually is

it was really nice out



Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Dead with chapped upper lip

wtf is with natasha richardson?

100 for rehearsal

i feel like one of the immature, bad kids sometimes at rehearsal. i don't like to feel like that. like someone is going to scold me for whatever someone else is talking to me about.

if i ignore what they say, i get dirty looks. if i go along with it, i get the 'you're a pos' look from soeone else. it fucking pisses me off like no other

piss off, you uptight asshole stupids

i feel SO dumb right now in so many aspects. and i feel really fat

big stretch from most days, i know

I want to punch someone where it will hurt them a lot

i want to read a book and not be considered a simpleton

i don't want to get purposely hurtful nasty looks and snide comments from people i don't even talk to

sing out louise

kiss my fucking ass, you twats

i hate people who make fun of you by just giving eachother looks and smirking. that is so fucking uncool

and how fucked up is that sinister meant left-handed in the olden days? Why are leftys horrible? fuck you, righties

i want my allergies to go away

i want assholes to stop being assholes and just create goo juju and do their own fucking job

hostility is the beginning being of bad juju

i want everyone to know that

and i want everyone to listen to a david sedaris essay, he's really cool

and another thing

i hate being excluded

cant say how many times i've said that

it's just as well

i don't know anyone who reads this and legitimately cares


Monday, March 16, 2009

Happy 101 Posts!

since i was a dumbass and forgot to celebrate my 100th. yayayayayayay

100 for rehearsal

francesca smiled at me today. i think she knows that i'm scared of her

my shoes smell like corn chips

i think today was a productive day

i really wanna go up on that bridge


Thursday, March 12, 2009

i am sick

100 for rehearsal

i am cold and hot. i dont like being cold and hot


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

i am cold

and coughing. and have phlegm (spelled it wrong, i did). welcome to zee theeahtah

100 for rehearsal

i like tim. tim is nice. he does not intimidate me and make me feel poopy.

why did everyone stop doing blogs? it is a nice release for me.

i wanna sing a lot. i do

i like it. it's a confidence booster. i entertain myself like that

i am procrastinating. i should be doing homework.

my mom says i should ask you about the the internship at Two River because it's so close to where she works. So I am. More information would be nice. she says that if i 'don't have the drive to do it' i shouldnt do it at all. what a bitch, right?

Why do i really blow that badly at acting? like. i really do. i really, honestly. like. i am sooooo. bad. it's not good at all.

these are baby-punching moments here.

glad you enjoyed the video.

on to homework. hopefully

paper due in two days that is worth two exam grades. really stoked about it.

two quizzes tomorrow. super excited.

i am letting my schooling get in the way of my education

i need to learn how to write in paragraph form


ps. i feel a bad sick night is about to ensue. mehmehmehmeh

Tuesday, March 10, 2009



100 for rehearsal


Monday, March 9, 2009

yay for bieng called bigbird

by someone who's in nightschool to learn something they should have learned 10+ years ago...i'm so offended XD

100 for rehearsal. yay it didnt blow


Friday, March 6, 2009


im so fucking pumped for the show...it seems every group is awesome except the rude mechs. yikes.

Super 100 for rehearsal and all that jazz.

on an unrelated note

hoping to jesus w. bush that she doesn't read this, ariana mistook something about someone in shop calling her and ashley a bad name. when it was me. she said it was someone else, i but know i said it XD

either way, she's great. :-)

i felt like i did jack today. i know i didn't, but still. i wanna block

and act

and actually compare in some stature to everyone else


Thursday, March 5, 2009


100 for rehersal

blop. i don't get why i'm so tired if no one else is. maybe i'm just fooling myself into thinking i'm tired.

help meh


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

omg you guys

fucking grow the fuck up

and please open the door when i bang on the window and scream for you to do it and NOT ignore me (javi deserves a high five btw)

i swear all of you guys can be such dicks. not kidding

on top of a not stellar day, this shit?


100 for rehearsal

ari is good


Tuesday, March 3, 2009


100 for rehearsal

yay for getting somewhere :-) shockers ensue
