Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Dead with chapped upper lip

wtf is with natasha richardson?

100 for rehearsal

i feel like one of the immature, bad kids sometimes at rehearsal. i don't like to feel like that. like someone is going to scold me for whatever someone else is talking to me about.

if i ignore what they say, i get dirty looks. if i go along with it, i get the 'you're a pos' look from soeone else. it fucking pisses me off like no other

piss off, you uptight asshole stupids

i feel SO dumb right now in so many aspects. and i feel really fat

big stretch from most days, i know

I want to punch someone where it will hurt them a lot

i want to read a book and not be considered a simpleton

i don't want to get purposely hurtful nasty looks and snide comments from people i don't even talk to

sing out louise

kiss my fucking ass, you twats

i hate people who make fun of you by just giving eachother looks and smirking. that is so fucking uncool

and how fucked up is that sinister meant left-handed in the olden days? Why are leftys horrible? fuck you, righties

i want my allergies to go away

i want assholes to stop being assholes and just create goo juju and do their own fucking job

hostility is the beginning being of bad juju

i want everyone to know that

and i want everyone to listen to a david sedaris essay, he's really cool

and another thing

i hate being excluded

cant say how many times i've said that

it's just as well

i don't know anyone who reads this and legitimately cares


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