Tuesday, March 24, 2009

AHHHHHH I HATE SCHOO...oh wait, don't wanna be an e***y

100 for rehearsal

i dont like it

i dont learn anything valuable

drivers fucking ed can suck my dick. i will record the video tomorrow

i have learned today that i am a really fake person. like, not kidding...it's really bad.

is everyone else like that?

i should be doing english homework right now

i want to bash my head into a wall

in the bad way

i want to punch things
i am mad about nothing
i think i might be clinically depressed

fucking sonnets

shakespeare is a fucking asshole

i must seem like the hugest bitch to everyone right now
i sure as fuck feel like one
i'm a bitter, old heffer at 15.
i think i spelled heffer wrong

i feel like im getting a tiny bit awkward-er as the days go by. like i'm rocking back and forth trying to get out of a bubble and kicking and screaming and i just end up looking like the fat ugly awkward one who makes unfunny, stupid sex jokes to make people like her, and it just ends up pushing more people away. that blows a lot

i feel like a fucking simpleton. a degenerate

poop is the best way to describe how i'm feeling right now

i feel like fucking poop


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