Monday, April 27, 2009

brain diahrrea

ow, brain hurt.

100 for today as I participated and went to Flynn's for practico.

So. I'm fucking pathetic. Four and a half pages. It's been a long night.

I have a bunch of people and their work to look up. I like this guy who wrote this. He's clever. For right now, it's covering a plethora of different subjects, or it seems so to me. Like, the possibility of the parasitism of critics. That theory really intrigues me, cause I know where it comes from. People wanting to be surrounded by art, "but both lack the power to produce it and the money to patronize it, and thus form a class of middlemen..." That artists like to think of critics as artists manque.
Or, "the attepmt to reach the public directly thorugh 'popular' art assumes that criticism is artificial [and consequently uneeded?], and public taste natural."

"Synoptic view." It has a snazzy ring to it. It looked important.

sighsighsigh. I took a billion gillion notes of qutoes I liked. if you want to see them. Your highlights also helped like 600%, btw. Thanks. :-) I also learned many new words tonight and feel supersmart.

I think I really need to read more than four and a half pages to formulate an opinion, though. It'll sound less like I substituted quotes for my own opinions as I get farther and farther. I promise.



Hope is feminist. Hi. said...

I'm going to hug you so intensely tomorrow your fucking brains pop out of your skull. Why, you ask?
Because I am proud.

Chelsea said...