Thursday, May 27, 2010


100 for dance show.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

ejkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk i died

100 for dance show dress reahearsal

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Please airlift me from this shithole.

What? Who said that?

Just kidding.

100 for Dance tech today.

Monday, May 24, 2010


100 for staying after for the dance show.

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Hey, guess what? I love my shop.

PG: 89.

Hamlet: Act III, Scene II.

So blahblahblah, play. Hamlet's telling the cast members how to say the words and how to act. Unimportant crap happens. The show happens to be incredibly similar to what's happened to Claudius, Getrude, and Hamlet. The whole 'play' is a ploy to get Claudius to confess to what Hamlet know he did (kill Hamlet's papi). The whole charade leads up to Claudius becoming increasingly more guilty until he slips and confesses. He proceeds to have another hugeeee bitchfit (surprise, surprise!) and tell Gertie off. Poor Gertie.




I'm excited. :)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Journals for this week thus far.

I went to Ms. Cipperly and she said she had no clue that all this would be directed to her regarding homework. She told me she would call me down as soon as she knew, which is what I'm telling class tomorrow. She said she might be able to collect it and then send it to you. I don't know how that works. But, again, the genius of our school never ceases to amaze.


Monday: I honestly don't even remember what we did. 89

Tuesday: I got inducted in the National Technical Honor Society and got a pretty dress. 100

Wednesday: 100 for being split up and really, thoroughly researching colleges.

U of Miami is out (It's huge; 15,000 students in the hell hole that is Florida? No), Syracuse U is a maybe, Penn State definitely (since I've been getting stuff from here anyway), Ohio U is a yes. Will apply to Calarts and/or CMU if I have the money left over (because of the slim chance of me getting into either).

Safe schools being U of Arts (really? that seems pretty prestigious) and Montclair.

My top two schools at the moment are UNCSA and MSGA. They cost the same given not living on-campus at UNCSA and the campuses and atmosphere are small and tight-knit with waaaaaay too many connections and awesome flowing throughout both.


So, hopefully, this shop will be better soon. Just saying.

Teenagers are fucking stupid. Even in our shop. We have the perfect mix of not enough preparation and feeling just THAT entitled that it creates this amazing, comforting atmosphere conducive to a learning environment. End tiny rant.

Oh, and one more thing. I don't want to be like my mom and I'm just like her. No wonder I feel like I'm losing friends.

Friday, May 14, 2010

I love this shop.

I don't like this anymore.

100 for doing the speed through with Ashley and Victoria. Scarlett assisted very awesomely. Also, for being volunteered by someone else for my not job. I have a small taste of what the competent seniors must feel every day.

Such awesome has been spread. I love coming to school!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

get me out of here

I'm reading Hamelt in English. We didn't read anything today. I'm switching to Hamlet.

Hamlet: Act III, Scene I; up to page 7.

So Gertie and the new King are asking Ophelia to be all up in Hamlet and have her see what's up with him, and blahblah. He goes freaking insane and tells her off and tells her how she needs to go to a nunnery, and how much of a skank she is. Only when she was trying to be nice? God, way to be a douche. Now she's gonna go coocoo crazy. And whose fault is that, whiny bitch? Also read the 'To be or not to be' speech. Just Hamlet being emo.


Participation: 100 for finding a nice $23 porfolio case and heavily researching schools.

North Carolina School of the Arts, MSGA, Ohio U, Calarts, Penn State. I would like to apply to these. Along with safe schools.

I want college now.

Can I have it?

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Stayed after for the open house.

A kid who came knew Kelsey. Wooot.

100 for staying after for that.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Eating things my mema makes me is always comforting.


Our class is losing drive. Some people come to class late or just don't come in and I want to punch a wall. I'll email you later.

PG: 89.

Twelfth Night journal coming later.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

I'm realizing how much this year's sophomores trump my class.

That's disappointing.

It totally doesn't look like it now, but I have so much faith in them and I'm really proud of them. Travis and Scarlett are both efficient geniuses, and I really think Zari will flourish in some sort of management or producing position. She looks really excited.

So I was creeping through blogs today, and I found Travis's. futurestagemanager? OWWWWWWWW. I feel really guilty now. Whatevs. I still want to manage Comedy of Errors.


From yesterday. Never finished it. Still stands, though. Inadequacy is hot.

100 today for the senior meeting being successful and planning more for the dance show and trying to assign jobs for that. And only stupidity in small quantities.

I hate this. I want this year to be over. This is so...great. I cannot convey to you how scared I am. Not in a positive way. I mean in some ways, yeah. But Jesus. I got a taste of what my class considers standing on its own two feet and that petrifies me like no other.

I'm unbelievably disappointed.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

May 5th, 2010.

I'm going to college. Why am I not a senior? Why?

So I'm making a tiny request for today's PG and today's PG only. I read this guideline called "Stage Managers Do Make Coffee" and I like...jizzed. I'm studying Hamlet enough in English and I'd really like to blog about this today and still get a grade. That cool beans?

“Keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you.”

By Carissa Dollar. What a godsend this lady is.

One: What's a deck manager?

Two: Holyshitholyshitholyshit yaaaaaaaaaay. This is the best handbook on the planet. Now I know what to put in my SM box. This lady spews good advice from her asshole and I love it. She keeps talking about SMing a musical. Now I want to SM one.

I need to get more first aid supplies and stuff. My mom has to take a first aid class every school year, so I'll ask if I can register? So I can get some kind of certification. I wonder if I'd be old enough at that point (17).

So, I plan to suck at the teat of these rules. And I'm rereading everything before I start COE. Haha, Coe. Travis will have fun next year

"My 10 Golden Rules of Stage Management

1. Learn From Mistakes. No one is perfect. We all make mistakes as we practice our crafts. The best thing anyone can do is to analyze these situations and learn how to avoid making the same mistake again.

2. Don't Panic! Always remain calm, cool and collected. Never, Never yell. All Stage Managers should know the difference between raising their voices to be heard and yelling. If the Stage Manager loses it, everyone will panic.

3. Safety First! The cast shouldn't set foot on the stage unless you would walk on it barefoot. Inspect the set daily for potential problems. Are all stairs and platforms secure? Are all escapes adequately lit and glow taped? Do you know where the first aid kits and fire extinguishers are located? Who is certified in CPR and First Aid? The SM should be!

4. Plan & Think Ahead. What can be done to avoid problems? How can the Stage Managers make life easier for everyone?

5. There Are No Dumb Questions. It is better to ask and fell silly for a few seconds than to cause a disaster later.

6. Prioritize Tasks & Delegate Authority. One person can't do everything. Why do we have assistants if we don't use them?!

7. Early Is On Time. The SM should always be the first person in and the last person out of the theatre for a meeting or rehearsal. I always try to show up about 15 minutes before I really think I need to be there, just in case traffic is bad or any problems or delays occur.

8. Put Everything In Writing. In other words, be a communicator! Dated daily rehearsal notes aid in communication and help to avoid conflicts over when requests or changes were made. (Voice mail and email are also great forms of communication! Get a pager or cell phone so you are easy to reach at all times!)

9. Please & Thank You. Use these word everyday, especially when you are working with volunteers.

10. Stage Managers DO Make Coffee. They also do a million other menial tasks that are meant to make people happy and boost morale. Buy donuts, bake brownies, make sure birthdays are recognized, and hole-punch all paperwork. These little things are really appreciated by everyone."

I can't wait to start Comedy of Errors. I'm freaking excited to SM a shakespeare. It's gonna be so challenging. And flipping cramazing.

With all of the stuff I've learned this year, I think I've become more of a professional and a bit more independent. I want it to be a lot smoother. And with more cues. A loooooooooooooot of cues. Next year will be a doozie of a mindfuck.

PG: 100 for portfolio discussion today with Matt Silvay. I now know what I need and how to do it, thanks to him. I really need to spruce up my books, they're really messy. And the Carissa lady told me what else I needed (in addition to what Matt said), so yeah. I'm doing that as we speak. Well as I type, really.

My mom's birthday is tomorrow. She's old.


Monday, May 3, 2010

Today was the least productive day ever. Ever.

I'm not doing an actual journal. So sorry.

A few things, not at all related to eachother:

So I registered for the SATs today. I'm gonna vomit.

I feel really unprepared. I'm gonna ask seniors for portfolio help tomorrow, I think.

Travis wins at life. His Uncle Vanya cold read with the sophs was so fucking precious, like, not being a bitch or sarcastic. Their class pwns ours by a long shot.


Why the fuck am I still in high school?

I hate everyone in this shop. Just saying.

Madonna always brightens my mood.