Thursday, September 25, 2008


Participation: 100

YEAH. I have the bumps and hump stains from Nick to prove my hard work.


Wednesday, September 24, 2008




Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I neeed it.

Movement: Runnig around fields for apporx. 2 hours. Good enough?
Voice: Singing all throughout school.
Reading: HEHEHHE. I'm funneh.
Participation: 100!!!!!! Yey.

I stayed after school, I did my thing. I helped. and now I get 100 for participation. OPENNNN SESAMEEEE

Tonight was...beyond interesting.
Just saying.

And I guarantee I will be grilled by aladren tomorrow for the saying the wrong thing in front of parents. W/e.

Sleep is better than fighting.

Keep the arguments in your pants, kids.


Monday, September 22, 2008


Movement: 1.32 mi on elliptical :/
Voice: Maybe This Fucking Time and Nickel Under Your Foot
Reading: MSND mono
Participation: 89

I feel meh.



I has schedule dates:

1st draft: monday, october 6th
2nd draft: monday, october 20th
Final Draft: November 3rd (or whenever it's due)


I pray to myself they wont be as bad as last year. :/


nothing really today

just gnar

BYE small chibbins


Wednesday, September 17, 2008



Participation: 100---Yeah. Stratching out paint cans for two and a half periods deserves 200, but 100 is the highest. Casey and I have formed this into an art.
Movement: 1.34 miles on elliptkalz
Voice: Singing.
Reading: MSND

Jewcapella is killing me. It burns my fucking ears. Harmonzing+Half asleep child= fail. I need some sort of life.

Like, Really.

I want to be a slutty singer with green fingernails in '40s Germany. It looks like loads o' fun.

If Gabe does not. stop. singing 70s-like bubblegum I'll cry.
Ok. It stopped. nvm.

I feel bad. Hopey. Meeeeeh. I hope she had a good birthday.

Even though I lovelovelove tech, I always get shit jobs (along with Casey-Cat). I knew how to fucking paint the backdrop and the people who don't know how are doing it and I'm in the fucking janitor's closet with the creepy crawlers? Not. cool. W/e.

Sandman looks like it will be fun as hell. Really excited.




I wanna say more. But my thoughts are pmsing aand refusing to be nice.



I'm not gonna lie

I didn't blog yesterday.
And I'm still giving myself 100 because I stayed after school and did stuff.


Movement: 1.33 mi on elliptikizzle
Reading: Midsummer's
Voice: blargh.
Participation: 89

If I ever had one wish to make, this is the wish i would choose: BRADLEY WHITFORD


I feel fainty
I had shit food today
I feel like a failure.

And I'm sweaty. I fucking hate that.

I neeeeeeeeeeeed


I miss my seniors


I have eighteen bugbites
Beat that


Monday, September 15, 2008


Movement: 1 mi in gym
Voice: Maybe This Time. I didnt warm up, therefore flat.
Reading: MSND
Participation: 89

I'm liking MSND the more I read it. It just gets easier every time I pick it up.

I feel smart.


Being a third wheel sucks. I need a boyfriend.

And I don't wanna be flat when I try to belt.

Me, Gayb, and Casey are simultaneously blogging. We roll like that.

I wanna direct Cabaret SO BAD
I even have most of the parts cast.

Sally: Ari (if she stays :/)
Cliff: Javi/ Matt?
Fraulein Kost: Meggie Poo
Kit Kat Girls: cool people from SPA.
See? All dooooone.

Obey my every command! RAWR


Thursday, September 11, 2008

Just wipe off the baby seal smell

Movement: Lazy. Just a mile in gym. Yoooooooga.
Reading: msnd
Voice: singing.
Participation 89

Gabe can't beat box for shit. Just needed to put it out there.

I. need. some sort of life.

even though its getting better.

I happen to be switching moods.
pms+teh cwazeh= not fun

I want to take math at mcc. I cant understand a WORD of what that bitch says. I don't learn ANYTHING.

I need to get off in five minutes. And I don't have a story.

I'm totally fucked.

Why are people, tri, and quadruplepolar?

I hate shit like that. diff personalities for diff situations? B-u-l-l-s-h-i-t.


and yoga is beyond bangin fo sho. i feel like a half-dancer afterward.

Why am I not interesting? I feel like I'm not up to par.

Fuck it.

My creative spark is constipated.


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

shvuck it

I'm tired.

Movement: Gym (.5 miles), 7 min elliptical (.9 mi), 10 min flexibility
Voice: Tongue Twisters w/ Gehb + Matt, Singing
Reading: As You Like It
Participation: 89

I wish I was a dancer. They're lucky. Freakin dancers.

Today. Tech. I'm bad at it. End o' story.

I need a life. Honestly. It's just. Gnar.

I'm too tired to think.

I hate school, with exception of shop.

I want to learn. And it's not working.

Notice how many sentences start with I?

General Observation.

Kathryn Hahn will be my adopted mommy/lover.

I intend to find one awesome person a day. Just to brighten up mine.

"No, your existence. I'm calling shenannigans at it."


Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Movement: 1.30 miles on elliptical
Voice: Honestly? Singing.
Reading: As You Like It, even though I can't get past the first page. Orlando's speech? Yeah. Boo, Dubya-Shakes.
Participation: 89

Ok, I'm really trying to be more truthful. I really am. everything's prethought and it has been forever. I do stuff to piss myself off. I think I have some sort of mental incompotency. Honestly. I just...ahhh. It doesn't feel right. Like, 'what vocab shold I use? should I include this?' it just ticks me off. I'm trying to SOC it with structure now.

And I've officially decided this blog will be for me only only my self-serving purposes. I couldn't give two shits if you don't understand it.

Onto today:

History really doesn't seem as interesting when you read it, then when you discuss it. I don't know. Well, OBVIOUSLY but... I'm just glad we do it. Like, in other classes, I KNOW the information, but I don't really understand/appreciate/like it. Just glad I have the class, haha.

And thewriting thing we're supposed to do: I seriously hate writing. I do. For school, I mean. When something is assigned to me, like a writing exercise or whatever, there's a light in my brain that's like, "Ehhhh, I'll do it later. I san't think of anything." And,c consequently, it ends up sucking. I'm REALLY good at fake-writing. I don't think I've put any real passion into anything I've written yet. It's all been for the teacher's or the parent's approval. That's why I'm like the retarded perfectionist; I put SO MUCH pressure on myself, and it STILL ends up sucking. I don't like it.

But, I kinda, y'know, need to start writing the plot. Due Friday, yes? :-/

And to top off my cheery mood, I ate all complete shit today. I feel rejuvinized. *eyeroll*

But, Idina makes everything feel better. Fuck you if you think it sucks.


Monday, September 8, 2008

And Yay

Tis a new day for learning. wopwop

MOvement: 1.36 miles on elliptical (10 mins)
Voice: Exercises from sheets..a bit. Mostly singinz. :-)
Reading: Hehe. I made a funny. :-/
Participation: 89 :-)

So now it starts. Still not totally comfortable with the whole blogging thing still, but it'll come to me. I think it'll be more convenient.

So, about voice today: I hate it when I choke up. I don't have the support, and I can't project. And it's REALLY irritating. Like, even when I'm in front of my peers I seem to get all neverous and whatever, and it just gives me the coherency of a retarded five year old, and end up looking stupid. I want no distractions, from my mind, I guess? Idk. So I can actually project. But, when I get home, it's SO DIFFERENT. I. hate. being like myself. It doesn't work out for me when it should. But. Anyway.

I seriously need to see Boeing-Boeing again for a third time; Mark Rylance is effing amazing, as is Christine Baranski, Kathryn Hahn, MARY MCCORMACCCCKKKK, Bradley Whitford...basically everyone except Gina Gershon lol. I think it's awesome; I mean, the play itself is really not that strong, but the performances, like...AHHH. I was literally peeing my pants. It WAS AMAZINGGGG. It just shows what some pros and an ace director can do.

I learned how to play Souper Trouper
By AB(Backwards B)A
On my recorder from fifth grade

That counts for SOMETHING, right?

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Sooooooo. It'll be boring. I'm not a pro at blogging.

MOvement: 1.33 miles on elliptical *golf claps*
Voice: I sang like all afternoon. I rape my iPod daily, though I never do like any legit 'exercises' :/
Reading: MONDEH. Ari has my Midsummer's 0_o
Participation: Mondeh as well

So, goals for this year with this blog:

-Y'know, actually use it.
-Get USE out of it.
-Not be a procrastinatorio with it.

Nothin special today, I just felt like starting my blog early for no particular reason. Hopefully, it will come in handy.

Aboot today:

Brownies are nice.
But destroyed converses are better.
I feel fat and disgusting once I knew that I need to work out almost an hour a day to lose weight.
Shakespeare is my bestest friend/enemy. He is not for slow thinkers such as myself.
I reallly need a mic for my computer.

Like, seriously? I need to get better at this. It'll come to me eventually. As things get more exciting.

P.S.- RIP Quinn. Good times, gooooooooood times.