Monday, September 8, 2008

And Yay

Tis a new day for learning. wopwop

MOvement: 1.36 miles on elliptical (10 mins)
Voice: Exercises from sheets..a bit. Mostly singinz. :-)
Reading: Hehe. I made a funny. :-/
Participation: 89 :-)

So now it starts. Still not totally comfortable with the whole blogging thing still, but it'll come to me. I think it'll be more convenient.

So, about voice today: I hate it when I choke up. I don't have the support, and I can't project. And it's REALLY irritating. Like, even when I'm in front of my peers I seem to get all neverous and whatever, and it just gives me the coherency of a retarded five year old, and end up looking stupid. I want no distractions, from my mind, I guess? Idk. So I can actually project. But, when I get home, it's SO DIFFERENT. I. hate. being like myself. It doesn't work out for me when it should. But. Anyway.

I seriously need to see Boeing-Boeing again for a third time; Mark Rylance is effing amazing, as is Christine Baranski, Kathryn Hahn, MARY MCCORMACCCCKKKK, Bradley Whitford...basically everyone except Gina Gershon lol. I think it's awesome; I mean, the play itself is really not that strong, but the performances, like...AHHH. I was literally peeing my pants. It WAS AMAZINGGGG. It just shows what some pros and an ace director can do.

I learned how to play Souper Trouper
By AB(Backwards B)A
On my recorder from fifth grade

That counts for SOMETHING, right?

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