Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Movement: 1.30 miles on elliptical
Voice: Honestly? Singing.
Reading: As You Like It, even though I can't get past the first page. Orlando's speech? Yeah. Boo, Dubya-Shakes.
Participation: 89

Ok, I'm really trying to be more truthful. I really am. everything's prethought and it has been forever. I do stuff to piss myself off. I think I have some sort of mental incompotency. Honestly. I just...ahhh. It doesn't feel right. Like, 'what vocab shold I use? should I include this?' it just ticks me off. I'm trying to SOC it with structure now.

And I've officially decided this blog will be for me only only my self-serving purposes. I couldn't give two shits if you don't understand it.

Onto today:

History really doesn't seem as interesting when you read it, then when you discuss it. I don't know. Well, OBVIOUSLY but... I'm just glad we do it. Like, in other classes, I KNOW the information, but I don't really understand/appreciate/like it. Just glad I have the class, haha.

And thewriting thing we're supposed to do: I seriously hate writing. I do. For school, I mean. When something is assigned to me, like a writing exercise or whatever, there's a light in my brain that's like, "Ehhhh, I'll do it later. I san't think of anything." And,c consequently, it ends up sucking. I'm REALLY good at fake-writing. I don't think I've put any real passion into anything I've written yet. It's all been for the teacher's or the parent's approval. That's why I'm like the retarded perfectionist; I put SO MUCH pressure on myself, and it STILL ends up sucking. I don't like it.

But, I kinda, y'know, need to start writing the plot. Due Friday, yes? :-/

And to top off my cheery mood, I ate all complete shit today. I feel rejuvinized. *eyeroll*

But, Idina makes everything feel better. Fuck you if you think it sucks.



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