Thursday, October 30, 2008

Yayayayayayyaya its almost haloweeeeeeeeeeeeeeen

I'm going fucking insane. I think I might be clinically depressed or something.

Movement: 'Basketball' in gym
Voice: Jesus Cristo es Ricky Martin la musical y cabaret
Reading: MSN ducking D
Participation: 89

Help Chelsea. She is not in a good state of mind.

I try and try and try and get myself so frustrated and depressed. I can't stand myself. Like, honestly? I need to make a decision about what I want to do in the arts. Cause I know acting isn't it, as much as I want it to be. I'll always think. I'll never be able to not be a control freak. I'm not going to go all out for something that will blow up in my face later on.





Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Love is old love is new. love is all love is you


Movement: None. im not gonna lie.
Voice: Trying to figure out the harmonies in Because by the Beatles
Reading: Monologue.
Participation: 89

Yay potential freshmen. from MY middle school
Holler at your boy. Home skilletz

I need to stop looking at bad musicals.



merbop. Nice harmonies though. I is a sucker for nice harmonies.

I remember being a little 8th grader, and seeing Aladren and everyone for the first time (visiting the school). And they scared me. It was kinda weird. I think Lacey did her Ophelia monologue, and it made me want to come here. Really bad. It's a really vivid memory of her just being like the greatest. Ever. And I wanted to be like that. And here I am. Boobop. Even though that really just sounded kinda stalkerish.

But whatever. It got me where I am right now.

And btw. Saw V blows. If you wanted to know.



Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Ok, so. Sorry about not doing yesterday, i fell asleep around when? 800. Would be appreciated if i had an 89 for that day.

Movement: Dancing to beatles songgggssss (lucy in the sk ywith diamonds and hey jude ftw)
Voice: SINGING beatles songs . yay across the universe
Reading: Monologue. I think i did...YES. the dennotative analysis today too so yipyapyop
Participation: 100

i should get 100 because i was ahead of most of the class with IPA and helping some people out with it. Also, because I'm done with everything. But my action sheet. Holla at a btich

My mom think Across the universe is dumb just cause 'the critics gave it bad reviews';wtf wigga? Decide for yourself. I thought it was awesome. Big step up for Julie Taymor from turning the lion king into a big puppet show if i do say so myself.

Videos with poop in them are fuuuuuuunny.



I wanna go on the rosie cruise like megan was saying. i wanna talk to rosie. and see if she eats me after the first 30 secinds of our conversation are over. twould be loads of fun!


Thursday, October 23, 2008

Just another normal day in iggyland

Movement: Walking with myselffor like 15-20 mins
Voice: What else? I sing every freakin day
Reading: Monologuey
Participation: I dont deserve 100, so. 89 :/


Nothing special today.

But holla 8th grader from Old Bridge.

I think I have some sort of sickness

I have no energy

I wanna sleep all the time

It's affecting my schoolwork. I'm just not like...on the ball.

Maybe its the crap i eat


prolly it


Sweet dreams lovers


Wednesday, October 22, 2008


About working on my monologue.


I have to stop feeling exposed. But that's why I'm here I guess. It's just... I've been here for over a year...I start to get shit like months after everyone else does, and I've decided to have a new objective for the year:

Expose myself and be comfortable on stage.

It just needs to happen. Even if I won't be an actor in the long run. The openness will spill in to all of my other work so I won't be censoring myself as much.

Btw, Scarlett's little brother told me I'm beautiful. Hehehe

I guess thats the only attention from a guy I've gotten in a while, huh?


Bidi Bidi Bom Bom



You be killinz yo Selenaz


Movement: Stretching with like splits and stuff. Even though my lega hurt like a mother. Like. 15 mins?
Voice: This song called 'what it means it be a friend' from 13.
Shut your fucking face.
It might be a horrible, terriblizzle song, but it's right in my range.
Reading: Dennotative that turned out to be connotative analysis of my monologue.

Participation--100 baby
I was one of the like
5 people who were fully memorized

but anyway. I need to learn scantion. I'm beyond lost.

Just to put it out there, my hair smells amazing. As of now.


What to write?

I forgot to say that I saw the girl who played Nina in a ripoff of CSI like a week ago. She needs to stop being so fucking pretty.

And I found the pictures of Stick River Road, but not on the nj site. On Dvorak's blog


you dont know

even though her kitty died on sunday
poor ms dvorak


Oh yeah!

I just need to say that I can handle real belty shit when I'm not terrified.

Sorry Aladren. I don't know why I'm still so fucking petrified of you.

But anyway

Ima link you to the song I was singing earlier. Please disregard the cheesy orchestrations and backstage pictures. And the mondo suckish lyrics. And music. The girl singing is Sara Niemietz who's a fucking prodigy. My belt is not as fab as hers, but its still a belt.

Here you go.

Holla at yo bitch chibbins


Monday, October 20, 2008


What a beautiful start to my week!

Movement: Stretchy stuff. Splits, crap like that. I feel like icky poop.
Voice: Singing!!
Reading: MSND
Participation: 100--Stick River Road

The whole show was perfect, except for my fuck up. Thank you, amount of talent showing itself!

Even though everyone was pretty...dead. Too cold, early, and dark.

I am not coming in to school tomorrow. I feel like pooooooooooooooooooo.

What else is there to say? More will come as shit gets remotely interesting. Keep it illtempered, kids.


Thursday, October 16, 2008



Movement: Elliptical 1.34 mi beebop
Reading: Monologue
Voice: singing
Participation: 100

Yay. I have my monolgue almost completely, fully memorized! While, like, no one else except Gabe has. So. WEEEEEE

Today was interesting.
Boobop. Won't say anything right now.
Although I *DID* get gum stuck in my hair. And discovered some stanky-ass hand sanitizer. I feel like dying in a hole.

Keep it all smiles, children.


Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Movement: Dancing. Yup. DANCING to my party shuffle. Suck it, Richard Simmons.
Voice: Singing while dancing. Breath placement, yes?
Reading: Monologue/IPA set
100- Ze other Side of Stick Rivar Roed


Aladren's eyes can see right through me. In the right mood, she'll make me cry without saying anything. It's scary/sad.

I had a whole epic crybaby story on the bus ride home and that fucking blew up in my face. Sorry. It'll come to me sometime and I'll write it down.

I wish there was a camera in my brain/subconcious. My God. What a fucking cool movie that would be.

I feel bad with shit I thought about the show now that it's getting so much press...



I have pizza and aladren is dying her hair green. I'm happy at the moment.

I'm becoming obsessed with the worst trainwreck of a gimmickraped musical I've ever come across. Why? Because it's catchy.

Fucking jason robert brown. meeop

But I fucking don't get why a glance in my general direction makes me choke up!



Fat child wants turkey bacon.

Make the cravings for everything stop.

I swear to God it was going to be epic. The journal I was gonna write. My fucking mom hogs our only ghetto computer so it just shoots out the ape's ass.

Truly tragic.

Only thing I remember is that I am my father's daughter and it's my life's anti-goal.



Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


I need to blog earlier so I can actually make a I need coffee.

And Gabe is singing. Fucking make it stooooooooop.

Movement: Practicing my Spongebob skills in C-Z's
Voice: Singing
Reading: Have you not set Lysander, as in scorn, to DO YOUR MOM

Participation: 100
I helped the Matt. And I directed for like two minutes. Gold stars on my hiney.

I started doing the Hamlet outline. And I want to start reading it. I'll have to eventually anyway. So why notz?

Kate Winslet+Ophelia=Gold

Help me

Don't tell me more about Philofuckingmusica



Monday, October 6, 2008


or else i get kicked off of computer

movement: 1.34 mi on elliptical
reading: msnd memorization
voice: singing
participation: 89



afraid of mommy
so ramblings tomorrow hopefully
shit will get juicy around here
i smell it

Thursday, October 2, 2008

When was my last post?


...Monday 100-tech

yeah. im that obnoxious to try to make you higher my grade. you know you want to. :-)
