Wednesday, May 27, 2009

And btw

I wanted to 'publicly' thank Hope Wondowsky for being awesome.

I will give you lotion for the callouses on your fingies and bandaids for whatever else.


"Am I losing my mind/ or just biding my time?"

Good evening.

100 for filming success. I got EXACTLY what I wanted. They either ignored it, or made fun of it. I think we got ONE sincere compliment (which I don't think was on camera :/).

So. I've been thinking, and it would be nice if you would let me do this. Since the book I'm reading right now is like...REALLY, really challening for me (yeah, I know I sound like I'm bailing out right now), so I would like to only read it a couple of times a week, and then maybe...write a paragraph on a speech or a small one-day-read essay. Or discussion. Like the one I read today.

"Why Music MattersKarl Paulnack, Director, Music DivisionThe Boston Conservatory"


(Well, today only, really) I could comment on Raging Bull. even though i havem't seen the whole thing yet.

I just want to say that muteness scares me. The only way I can express myself is on a keyboard. anyway, onto the speech.

"In September of 2001 I was a resident of Manhattan. On the morning of September 12, 2001 I reached a new understanding of my art and its relationship to the world. I sat down at the piano that morning at 10 AM to practice as was my daily routine; I did it by force of habit, without thinking about it. I lifted the cover on the keyboard, and opened my music, and put my hands on the keys and took my hands off the keys. And I sat there and thought, does this even matter? Isn’t this completely irrelevant? Playing the piano right now, given what happened in this city yesterday, seems silly, absurd, irreverent, pointless. Why am I here? What place has a musician in this moment in time? Who needs a piano player right now? I was completely lost.


At least in my neighborhood, we didn’t shoot hoops or play Scrabble. We didn’t play cards to pass the time, we didn’t watch TV, we didn’t shop, we most certainly did not go to the mall. The first organized activity that I saw in New York, on the very evening of September 11th, was singing. People sang. People sang around fire houses, people sang "We Shall Overcome." Lots of people sang “America the Beautiful.” The first organized public event that I remember was the Brahms Requiem, later that week, at Lincoln Center, with the New York Philharmonic. The first organized public expression of grief, our first communal response to that historic event, was a concert. That was the beginning of a sense that life might go on. The US Military secured the airspace, but recovery was led by the arts, and by music in particular, that very night."

Beautiful. He talks about art, and how it's necessary for survival...and with his case, music. In my opinion, music is art for the student. Someone who's learning, who's not educated and doesn't know enough to express themsleves. I'm not saying music is for dumb people or some dumb shit like that, but it gives a medium that overcomes the challenge (to some people) of language, physical expression, all that stuff. I kind of see it as a preschool playground. I don't know why. Oh my GOD..."adagio from 5th Symphony" is fucking beautiful.

THAT'S IT! Music transcends the talking barrier, the writing barrier, the physical barrier. A voice is the natural thing to express yourself. pounding on something. Letting your 'voice' be heard. It's so fucking essential for life, and everyone akes it for fucking granted. I feel so terribly bad for deaf people. Honestly. That must be fucking tragic. Ugh...people.

It's baby blocks art, but it's also so complicated to break down...even though its roots are so elemental. I need to start listening to classical, it's so emotional. And amazing. Fucking..holy crap I love art and artists. They're clever.

I feel so dumb rihgt now cause all I'm typing is jibberjabber and I'm so dumb that I can't understand the mos SIMPLE of topics. I can't even read the rest of the speech without being caught up in the first couple of things he says, like at the beginning and halfway through.

DUDE, I can't WAIT to learn and look like less of a douche. SO. Excited!!!!


and btw. It'd be cool if I could do that.


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

pick the flower now, before the chance is past

so. lalalalalallalalalala. I finished the POLEMICAL INTRODUCTION!!!

And it only took me, what...a month and a half?

This book confuses me. A lot.

What it was basically saying by the end was how, like, "the 'good' and 'bad' plays" plays discussion is a circular one. Also, how good taste is developed by the study of literature, HOW CRITICISM IS A PROCESS *diediedie*...basically summing it up in the last few pages. Also, the guy was apologizing for how the following essays are all diagramm-y. If that matters. What he *should* apologize for is for it being so all over the place. I would be happy then.



Thursday, May 21, 2009


blahblahblah. immature freshmen

100 for today as i was a nice little minion and did what i was told.

so, book time:

this book man...some of this shit just confuses the balls out of me. big words+uneducated= :(

What I have learned:

-Criticism are middlemen----> 'essentially a form of consumer's research'

-'history of taste'=new favorite term

-He kept talking about how most people considered Shakespeare the greatest poet. It's not a fact, though. It's a widely believed value-judgement.

-Comparative Criticism-deals laregly with comparitive questions of greatness and personal authority.

-Positive critisism: develops biographical criticism, which relates the work to the person who wrote it.

-Tropical Criticism: Primarily concerned with the contemporary reader; deals comparitively with style and craftsmanship, with complexity of meaning and figurative assimilation.

-Rhetorical: Closely related to social values. Goes through the moral metaphors: sincerity, economy, subtlety, simplicity, and the like.

So, this time he was just basically talking about the roles of critics, and how they should know what they're studying if the piece has to do with social sciences, but to notice that there's no sociological way to approach literature. Also, the types of judgements. And talking about widely-believed statements that are really opinions.

I feel like I'm phoning this in, and it's making me really sad. I'm just copying down notes. I'm having a really hard time understanding this book, but some of it's getting through to me, so don't worry. I'll revisit this book in senior year...maybe I'll get it then more than I would now.

I'm just so frustrated cause at the beginning it seemed like everything in there was understandable. It's prolly cause I'm feeling like absolute shit. I'm always nervous abut getting dizzy that I can't concentrate. I'm just really mad at myself right now. I need to calm down in some way before I can really learn from this book.

fjewiofejfiewifwhefihsdiofhseifhwnejkbx xmfwjrbgwufgsd7qwh392047u289rwjfkhdsjfks


Tuesday, May 19, 2009


below post=warning: read at your own risk. it's a soc

peaceizzle my nizzle


Since Emily told me to do a SOC, I'm doing it.
( if Emily told you to jump off of a cliff, would you?" "shut up, mom")

Aaaaaaand. GO

"alalalalala guitar hero I'm alrrady sick of this ooooh i hate doing socs via compouter i'm already prethinking lalalalallalala----amanda plamer fkfsjfsdlkdsjdkslfjkdlkk i feel like sining childhood songs in a garden where no one can hear, and make me feel bad. I am my own and yoou do not own me, doucheholes

lalalalalalalalala i am excited. kdsajsaljsk I jsut realized that covington is a killer last name and also that blahblahabhlablalahala I FUCKING FORGOT oh yeah that i can mkae myse;f almost faint. that's not good at ALL, is it? wowowowowow not good

I have such a big crush on amander palmer. Blahblahablahalhlahalhlahalahlahlahalaq

My filter is filtering and it should not be filtering. when i want to avoid saying something about someone it just blows up in my face. it's in my back thoughts and blahblahblah fuck you i want a microphone and fucking doc martens. suck my dick, east brunswick votech. you whorebag. and cuntface dickdomb i hate it i hate it

Blahahlhabalbalhalahlo brittany you dumb little bitch. no one cares you stupid cunt. gnfkgrklgjrklgjfdklgjfdkgjfdklgjfdklgjfdklgjfdklgjfdklgjfdklgjdkljklfjgdkl going out with freshman is weird

i feel dizzy and nauseus, but that's because i've been thinking of being dizzy and nauseus.ndksjfkdsjfsdkljdskfjdl woopwooooooop

kpms is weird as hell. it's the jealousy; not of like one person or something, but just the jealousy overall.

blahlalala LALA lalalalalala i want to go to fwf woopwoop even though woopwoop it blows like emily at an awkward, gawky blond male teen guitar players convention

fjsdklfjdskfd mipmopmoooposjdlksanskdsjdakdajlsd

NINJA WRRIOR 1102 muthafuckers

her blogs are amazing. and fucking lenghty. but still...ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i want to be her when i grow up

ms alexander is the biggest dykeydyke EVER. wow. what a super dyke.

I really want doc martens. who's gonna get me some? whoop, there i am, tlaking to the comstant audience in the back of my head. hoophoophoop doop se doop

jksfhdsklsankdlassklskak woopwoop im a slacker bopbopbop guitar fifties i want to be done so I'm done no im not okay maybe i am I'm done


that was my teengaer rant. COMPLETE. yay socs"

mission accomplished.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Unproductive, shop-wise

Things to do:

-Papsie bullshit
-Read more

Only 89 for today, as I did nothing special that deserves a 100. Also, I did not read, but that was because I was catching up on missed work. I'm done with all of my English. Yay.

It seems really slackerish, but I swear. Tomorrow.


Thursday, May 14, 2009


Good day.

Unbelievable talk and no embarassing night show=win

100 for show

off to watch 30 rock season finale. tootles!


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

loves the life wheere you eat chicken at 9:50 before getting up eight and a half hours later

i burned my tongue. ow. 100 for stick river

what an unattractive name for a road

let the chaos begin


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

dude, NO ONE is journaling

100 for Stick River



Btw: I will be on more zyrtec tomorrow. Don't give me heavy or potentially dangerous objects to handle.

Monday, May 11, 2009

I am tired.

I'm so unbelievably sick of the negative energy and the constant shit-talking that goes on. not saying that i don't do it, but I hate it.

100 for The Other Side of the Stick In Your Ass

Friday, May 8, 2009

One question

I just wanted to ask would suck if you giving me that false hope. I hate that. That know I can't do it (criticism, or maybe being some sort of intellectual in some way or another along the road), but you're telling me to do it just in case it does happen. That would blow SO badly.

It scares me. Because, if I know that my family is not a smart group of people (and I'm trying to say that in the nicest way possible. maybe my dad. that's about it), and you know how genetics are. Is it just a pointless pipe dream than to shoot anywhere higher than community college? It seems that my mind has a one-track system, but maybe that will change as my brain library (yeah, that's what it's called) just gets bigger and bigger. As I broaden my...horizons? idk. just...knowledge, i guess.

I need to get away from my mother. She was trying to brag once about how high her IQ is. I asked her. "113!"


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Should i stay or should i go?


100 for tech for Freshie Showcase. It took me back. Eons better than ours last year.

Get back to me ASAP


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Hi, I'm distracted

100 for today for doing tech like things.

And I was lazy and did not read today, for major studying for a test, plotting out my own shirt, and helping Hopey with hers.

Reading will continue tomorrow.

I am completely distracted.

My mom is a big bitch. I didn't make her a birthday card.

Getting through it; one step at a time.

I got all of my work form Science for next week. Fweep.

I just wanna say thanks, Aladren.


Monday, May 4, 2009

One more thing

I'm still working on grounding my performance piece. I'm working on itm Hope. I'm workin for the big boys now. woooooooop

read below post


Pretentious little pricks annoy me

teenager does not equal forever, sweets
i'm bitter.

100 for today for doing tech-like things, and doing ze touches on el programo.

So, today was from page 10-17. I'm getting better day by day. Maybe tomorrow, it'll be ten whole pages. Oh no, don't want to reach for the stars here:

So as I look over my notes, I find these things most interesting:

- They guy is like ingraining this into my soul that criticism is a science. I KNOW. Shhhh.

-I'm not sure if he's trying to say if it's intangible, or if,'s just like an unsurmountable array of topics just waiting to conquered. He's losing me here.

-BTW, I hate people who use 'he' instead or 'he or she' or 'they.' Rawr

-You can't 'learn literaure' and how it's only the criticism and it's theories that can be taught.

-I hate poetry for the most part. It's all he talks about. I get confused easily

-And he was also vaguely talking about how pieces of art are considered crappy at the time they come out, but as time progresses, it becomes a masterpiece. I hate when that happens.

I remember watching some documentary about the Golden Age on broadway, and an old actor was talking about how everyone thought shows like "Hello, Dolly" were pieces of crap. Look at them now? Masterpieces. Brilliance. Carol Channing will now NEVER die.

Oh, and one of my own. It's kind of different, though. When Natasha Richardson was in Cabaret, everyone thought her Sally BLEW. (I actually didn't, but that's a completely diferent thing)
And NOW: "What a brilliant performance! It'll be remembered forevr blhblahblah." That annoys me. But I'm not sure if that's a completely different topic in itself.

^^^ That's it for the book for tonight.

I want to start listening to more conversations and stuff. Like, the ones where artists talk to eachother and not bore me to death, like henry rollins and amanda palmer did.

I like music a lot. It makes me happy.

I'm pretty positive I'm clinically depressed. How much does that blow?

I want to go on an "I'm jealous of women whoi are confident with their bodies" type deal of a rant, but I don't think I will. You know what I'm gonna say anyway. And it just gets pretentious, annoying, and not entertaining I guess, after a while. Amanda Palmer,I'm jealous of her confidence. Fuck you, I said it. If you're tired of me talking about her then don't read the blog, motherfucker.

Like those girls who call themselves ugly and fat when they really aren't, and then after a while people shun them or just tell them that they're right. They deserve it after a while, I think. I'm not promoting name calling, but like...that just annoys me.

I'm not making up coherent thoughts right now. Goodnight.

I hope you come to school tomorrow. It would be nice.
