Thursday, May 21, 2009


blahblahblah. immature freshmen

100 for today as i was a nice little minion and did what i was told.

so, book time:

this book man...some of this shit just confuses the balls out of me. big words+uneducated= :(

What I have learned:

-Criticism are middlemen----> 'essentially a form of consumer's research'

-'history of taste'=new favorite term

-He kept talking about how most people considered Shakespeare the greatest poet. It's not a fact, though. It's a widely believed value-judgement.

-Comparative Criticism-deals laregly with comparitive questions of greatness and personal authority.

-Positive critisism: develops biographical criticism, which relates the work to the person who wrote it.

-Tropical Criticism: Primarily concerned with the contemporary reader; deals comparitively with style and craftsmanship, with complexity of meaning and figurative assimilation.

-Rhetorical: Closely related to social values. Goes through the moral metaphors: sincerity, economy, subtlety, simplicity, and the like.

So, this time he was just basically talking about the roles of critics, and how they should know what they're studying if the piece has to do with social sciences, but to notice that there's no sociological way to approach literature. Also, the types of judgements. And talking about widely-believed statements that are really opinions.

I feel like I'm phoning this in, and it's making me really sad. I'm just copying down notes. I'm having a really hard time understanding this book, but some of it's getting through to me, so don't worry. I'll revisit this book in senior year...maybe I'll get it then more than I would now.

I'm just so frustrated cause at the beginning it seemed like everything in there was understandable. It's prolly cause I'm feeling like absolute shit. I'm always nervous abut getting dizzy that I can't concentrate. I'm just really mad at myself right now. I need to calm down in some way before I can really learn from this book.

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