Monday, May 4, 2009

Pretentious little pricks annoy me

teenager does not equal forever, sweets
i'm bitter.

100 for today for doing tech-like things, and doing ze touches on el programo.

So, today was from page 10-17. I'm getting better day by day. Maybe tomorrow, it'll be ten whole pages. Oh no, don't want to reach for the stars here:

So as I look over my notes, I find these things most interesting:

- They guy is like ingraining this into my soul that criticism is a science. I KNOW. Shhhh.

-I'm not sure if he's trying to say if it's intangible, or if,'s just like an unsurmountable array of topics just waiting to conquered. He's losing me here.

-BTW, I hate people who use 'he' instead or 'he or she' or 'they.' Rawr

-You can't 'learn literaure' and how it's only the criticism and it's theories that can be taught.

-I hate poetry for the most part. It's all he talks about. I get confused easily

-And he was also vaguely talking about how pieces of art are considered crappy at the time they come out, but as time progresses, it becomes a masterpiece. I hate when that happens.

I remember watching some documentary about the Golden Age on broadway, and an old actor was talking about how everyone thought shows like "Hello, Dolly" were pieces of crap. Look at them now? Masterpieces. Brilliance. Carol Channing will now NEVER die.

Oh, and one of my own. It's kind of different, though. When Natasha Richardson was in Cabaret, everyone thought her Sally BLEW. (I actually didn't, but that's a completely diferent thing)
And NOW: "What a brilliant performance! It'll be remembered forevr blhblahblah." That annoys me. But I'm not sure if that's a completely different topic in itself.

^^^ That's it for the book for tonight.

I want to start listening to more conversations and stuff. Like, the ones where artists talk to eachother and not bore me to death, like henry rollins and amanda palmer did.

I like music a lot. It makes me happy.

I'm pretty positive I'm clinically depressed. How much does that blow?

I want to go on an "I'm jealous of women whoi are confident with their bodies" type deal of a rant, but I don't think I will. You know what I'm gonna say anyway. And it just gets pretentious, annoying, and not entertaining I guess, after a while. Amanda Palmer,I'm jealous of her confidence. Fuck you, I said it. If you're tired of me talking about her then don't read the blog, motherfucker.

Like those girls who call themselves ugly and fat when they really aren't, and then after a while people shun them or just tell them that they're right. They deserve it after a while, I think. I'm not promoting name calling, but like...that just annoys me.

I'm not making up coherent thoughts right now. Goodnight.

I hope you come to school tomorrow. It would be nice.


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