Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I told hope i was going to bed

i lied.

i did stream of conciousness on pictochat today. it was ineffective. everyone within 100 feet of me is too poor to have a ds, i guess.

Doing these all summer sounds really exciting, even though I have nothing to write about, except complaints. And revelations.

It'll come by tomorrow. Hopefully, I'll do it.

i can't wait to put my thoughts on here. it just needs to come at the right time.

I'm wondering what it's like to watch fat, awkward people dance. It really must be funny. And not like joke around dance....but like, legitimately dance. that really sucks for fat awkward people. I wonder if anyone cares to read this anymore.

I feel like I'm losing touch with everyone. I feel like I need to be around people...just not the people I'm usually around.

I wanna be a fly on a wall in some fucking place where art and people and good collide. it would be fucking heaven.

Just...ugh. I want it so badly. I feel really otu of place sometimes, and still like the freshman that no one thought had any potential. Just one of the Kristines, one of the ones they shove ner the rug when you have to promote something.
Someone who tags along with the successful classmates in order to be recognized, only to realize that you're just a parasitic insect grabbing on to what they have acheived for more respect from fellow classmates to make up for the fact that you aren't an artist.

I ALWAYS say the wrong thing at the wrong time. How will I get my fucking idol to the fucking school and not make a fool of myself, when I spent aout three minutes with her and could not have felt more like a fool the next day once I thought it over?

I want to sratch past the surface.

i want i want i want. jesus fucking christmas, chelsea-rose


iiiiii. memememememe.

fuck that shit. i'll fucking do it. I jsut need to specify what I want her to do, or jsut give her options and let her pick.

it would fucking suck if she didnt read it after all the work ill put into this.


You'll just throw it all up, that's why you have no fucking belly.

i am a complainy little bitch.

i was trying to excercise my brain to have more of those profoundy thoughts come back, but this house and my mood is a fucking creative buzzkill.


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