Monday, June 8, 2009

If your pleasure turned into pain/ i would still lick for my personal gain

If your love changed into hate/would my love have been a mistake?/ i dont know/ lalala

eh. I am getting stressed and getting absolute ZIP done

100 though, for creating facebook and google groups. not putting artist bios up until i have all three though.

So, I started ready The Empty Space. It's more at my level. I feel unbelievably dumb for giving up on Anatomy of Criticism, but you know what? When I'm smarter (whenever that wants to shuffle along into my mind), I'll pick it up once more. Also, when I have more time. Time is important.

My legs smell like pretzels. Anyways.

The Empty Space: read the first part of The Deadly theatre, like...the first ten pages. Talks about commercial theatre, and how theatre in general is a self-destructive art, 'written in the wind'. i liked that. And about losing their spark after a while...trying to revive something that is dead and gone. How everything could still be intact, up to comstumes and set design and all that, but have the production be completely dead. Like how Shakespeare 'should' be put on: with fancy fairies, prouncing, music, and British oomph bitchiness that no one can seem to understand.

'The deadly trap is to divide the eternal truths from the superficial variations..."

"Deadly theatre approaches the classics form the viewpoint that somewhere, someone has found out and defined how the play should be done."

-doing theatre for money. blah. enough said.

all of that good stuff...he was just about to get into stuff when I stopped reading, so...until tomorrow.

But now, like...since I've vented to just about everyone I know how cool this experiece was (and this can kind of go in the artseh fartseh category here) what happened when I went there.

Artists who communicate with their admirers are fucking...amazing. I just...thinking it's incredible that people can still have their feet on the ground after having thousands of people declare their love for you, let alone pay attention and love your art.

But with this particular artist, it brings up the most intruiging question: where's the mystique since technology came around? Is that a good or bad thing?

I personally think that it's cool that the middleman, the censor is being rubbed away by things like myspace, facebook, twitter, blogs, stuff like that. To have direct communication with fans is the coolest thing in the world. That they're a real HUMAN BEING, not a product used to stimulate the economy, you know? That the person pouring their heart and soul for the world to see is listening...they care about what either the fellow artist or admirer has to say. It's putting more communication, intelligent conversation, simulation, and lols in the world. Words cannot describe how happy it makes me.

Technology could either being the best renaissance-catalyst-y-esque tool ever invented, or the downfall of society. How exciting!

That wasnt even scratching the suface with fangirly-ness. But it's not all about that. Do you know what I mean? :?


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