Wednesday, November 26, 2008



Movement: 20 pushups, stretches
Voice: Bye Bye Birdie o_0
Reading: lalallalala
Participation: 100

Why? Because I'm one of the like FIVE people who got on honor roll. Fo rizzle...

I love extra credit. It covers your ass when you are lazy :-)

And yeah...from what I saw of 'Asteroid', I would appreciate Aladren as a director. Or at least a tripod.

Nothing really DRASTIC today. Except ARI VISITEDDDDDDDDD :)

I love herrrr.

And Maxx and Alex visited too. woopwoop

Nothing more to say


Happy thanksgivinz


Tuesday, November 25, 2008



Movement: Okay, this will sound like an excuse. BUT. Gabe gave me a cardio workout of the tickling fashion for at least 15-20 mins today. Plus 10 crunches. So. Broohaha.

Voice: 12 days of Christmas, janice dickinson style!

Reading: msnd

Participation: 100

So, in class today I did my wealthy share of findinf color palets for the rude mechs, therefore finding more out about my character and how 'slutty' she really is...Plus, I got on honor roll. HOLLA

But blah. We need to work shit out so that we can all study together. I need to whip my own ass into shape. It won't happen if I don't make it happen. Holla at a bizzotch.

There was really nothing else today that was...remotely interesting. That, and I'm half asleep right now. And it's only 10:04. whatever. I like sleeping early.


Friday, November 21, 2008


And, idk about your class, but I'm in honor roll so far! All of my academics

i deserve a small animal

or itunes gift card


or morning


exestensial fucking crisis

Me and me need to talk.

Me and Aladren need to talk.

*Something* needs to be spoken of. :/


Why? Because I thought...deeply? And because it seems like I'm the only one who the words did not 'reaffirm their decisions' (eyeroll times a fucking billion) -_-

Waiting for Guffman is fucking beast. I wanted to cry, but I was too busy laughing. And it's also sad that fucking legends like Eugene Levy and Fred Willard are being put out to pasture with all of these shit movies, and do one Christopher Guest mockumentary every five years? Wtf??

And. Plus I did extra crunches and shit.


I just found out today that ive been getting 75s every friday. I feel like an asshole. I didnt know we had to do them on fridayssss....



Thursday, November 20, 2008

I love tablework :)

Tis fun.

Movement: I tried to see how many pushups i could do without stopping. my best was only 23 XD and im not good at pushups so.
Voice: Random showtunes
Reading: MSND
Participation: 100

During tablework, I really like...I don't know. When I WASN'T spacing out from hunger, I it! I just need to start grounding and everything. btw superobjective: pink bottom. holla at a bizzotch

AND doing costume-like things with hopey today

I kept recording videos of myself to see what my voice sounds like, cause I know i have to get used to it. It's just like...torture, yknow? I can't get over it!

And, apparently, I have a 2 and like...3 quarter octave range (chest and head, obviously) . but still. I can hit a C6 on a good day. so.

I'm just happy my belt and vibrato are improving. I need to stop forcing it as much, though...blarhg. Whatever. I can place it where I want it to sound pretty. A++++++++





Wednesday, November 19, 2008

No Aladren=No Fun

I was excited for shop today.

Damn you, Aladren!

Movement: Volleyball, Walking
Voice: Beatles shit
Reading: lalalalallaa

no participation


I don't have anything to say

other than i like table work

and can't wait for it tomorrow

tootles :)


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Deeeeeeeeeear Prudence

Won't you come out to play...

I want to punch this dumb bitch form camp in the face. Thinks she's hot shit, and she was such a bitch. First a cymbalta commercial, and now mtv?


just shows what happens when money makes up for talent.


Movement: Working on mah perfecto splito
Voice: Singing MT and other stuff
Reading: Reading the rest of 1-1 and part of 1-2
Paticipation: 100

I think I really understood the language and actually KNEW all of the grammar terms and what they meant on the FIRST try. lol I didn't know I did, but hey, whatever. Thank you, 8th grade LAL. Mr. McGrath served me well.

And I found out that it's a LOT easier to sing pop and r+b and shit than musical theatre. So im gonna work on my vibrato, cause it sucks with random belting and no direction.

I actually LIKE table work. It's fun. Especially Shakespeare. It makes me feel like Gabe, I feel so smart!

This for real made my day.

Guess who's gonna die for his country??

Thank you, Casey XD


Monday, November 17, 2008

I'm so fucking disgusted

fucking a

i dont know

i really dont

I dont understand any of this nonlinear bullshit

i feel so stupid

If it's not in fornt of my face, i guess i cant get it

my mind doesnt work that way

how does it come so easliy to everypne else? it just doesnt click

i fucking hate myself right now. and now ill probably getting a c anyway. i feel like such an ass. next marking period will not fucking be like this, i can garuantee that.

movement: stretching to get the kinks out of my left leg
voice: shuffle on my ipod
Reading: monologue
Participation: 100

I hope i improved like aladren said...i know the grade won't be spectacular but itll be better than before. I don't want to jinx my luck, so...

but i fucking hate my stupid, simple-minded, one track brain. why cant i comprehend anything thats not not in front of my face?

I can't believe I'm so upset over this, but I can't help it. It's shit like this that makes me think I'm just not up to fucking standards, that my creativity is trite bullshit and....

fuck it

i can't believe i did this to myself

good fucking night


Thursday, November 13, 2008

My head is going to have a baby. ALL HAIL ZEUS


Movement: Stretching, playing basketball
Voice: random cole porter songs (leeet's do it lets fall in loooooooove)
Reading: monologuey
Participation: 100
yay for me staying out of classes for freshmen! They are my favorite. :)

Today was Ari's last day. I can't reallly believe it. At all. She...gah. She needs to come back. I'm gonna miss her.


I'm trying to do that thing where I don't hang on to shit and become a reckless poopface? I hope it'll work.


I actually think my monolouge is comming along really well. pretty sweeeeeeeeeet.



I would like to have my last date for my script to be monday, the 17th. Holla at yo girl. Thankie, aladren :).


******Also impotant!

I would still like to have my grade from yesterday an 89. If thats okay. Hoowatcha!




Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I fucking hate ari's family


Of all the people to go



I'm fucking mad as hell.

She doesn't deserve this! She has SO MUCH fucking potential.


Movement: Stretching and trying to get the stiffness out of my legs. and Gabe tickling me, which for rellz made me sweat and like. Twas cardio.
Voice: Practicing my belt and vibrato with the "life Upon the wicked stage" from showboat
Reading: monologue
Participation: 100

Tried my hardest on the test, PLUS im working on a story.

Molly Ringwald needs to die.

^^^^ fierce



I'm sorry
I could care less if anyone sees this but

certain sisters are fucking selfish and bitchy and need to start thinking about other people.


I know I failed the test. I fucking switched the titles, so there goes 26 points!



its my own fault though


new marking period, new start

thats all im going to say

Monday, November 3, 2008

Fuck you, Philip Glass



nonlinear rapes chelsea's brain

she wants to like it

but then philip glass and cleo mack fart on her face

chelsea doesnt like to get farted on