Monday, December 1, 2008


Movement: "Celebrity Fit Club BOOT CAMP WORKOUT featuring Harvey Walden IV, is a unique boot camp style workout that delivers real results you can see and feel. You've seen Harvey on TV helping celebrities lose weight, reshape their bodies and improve their fitness. Now you can follow his ultimate boot camp workout at home and get that Hollywood body you've always wanted. Choose your own workout length: Depending on your level of fitness or how much time you have to work out, the program provides an entire body workout that delivers results. Choose your own soundtrack: Dance/Pop beats or Rock/Alternative sounds are designed to keep you motivated and moving throughout your workout! "
Voice: Youtubing my heart out for...2o minsish?
Reading: Monologue
Participation: 100

So. I'm deciding to do this exercise video 3 times a week. It's a half hour long. Yeah. It's lame. But it's better than sitting on my fat ass and eating pretzels. And I have energy afterward so.

I love how some people who you love to death just seem to be unbearable in class. Juuuuuuuuuuuuust love it. Holier-than-thou policies are just right up my alley. ESPECIALLY for me when people think that they are better than YOU, the entire program, and the entire school. SOME people aren't Jesus Aloisious fucking Christ. For real. Anyway.

I'm just REALLY excited for the show. EEEEEEEEEE

I just. nyyyyyyyyyah. It'll be awesome.

OH. And another thing I was thining about:

It's so fun to watch socially awkward people. I mean, I usually AM one, but. You know what I mean.

People try and nudge their way into a conversation, prethinking about two minutes about what they were going to say, and the continuing conversation that would follow, if it did at all. I love watching people. I love to get in their heads to see WHY they said something so STUPID, or *how* they just didn't care enough to do their homework, or WHY they want to lose weight. Or how they process thoughts. Words cannot express how obsessed I am with it.

I just think it's a constant...wanting to know everything. But then I end up getting shitty grades (well, for me anyway) for the most part, and any fucking 'smart kid has to help me with math or science. Or whatever. I just wish I could be God. For like, an hour.


That sounded really cliche. But fucking a how fucking AWESOME would that be???!

I have like a never-ending thirst for knowing shit. I fucking love to observe.

So...if I'm smart enough to process complex thoughts, why am I so fucking dumb?? And why does it seem that people LOVE to shove my shortcommings in my face?

Do I ATTRACT those people or something?

God fucking DAMN that is annoying. Someone LOOKS at my paper while I'm doing classwork or whatever and goes, "oh. that's wrong." Fuck you you fucking CUNT DESTROYER. I wasn't ASKING you or your fat ass!

Oh and by the way, thats not being elitist (on my part). That shit is fucking disrespectful. I wasn't asking you, you fucking combat boot-wearing, dyketastic bitch (yeah, I said it. not that I don't love gay people but GOD. I need to make fun of her.) oh wait. She had a permlike mullet in 7th/8th grade. So yeah. Nevermind the first part.(oh and see how awkward that sentenceswas? yeah. but i'm gonna keep it there cause I wanna keep it as soc-ish as possible.)

kay? thx.

Why can't I be...all-knowing?

Fuck my life. I'm such a complainy bitch.



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