Friday, January 30, 2009

i think pooping on people's faces would make me feel better


movement: iceskating ghetto style on the little ice thingies behind the school
voice: zip -_-
Reading: zip

I mean, i stayed after... :/

Participation: 100 for not being in the way and for staying after and helping for like .0000000012 minutes

I'm getting sick.

that blows.

and i worry for people

people knows who people is so. bsaldahlhiawhadlsa

honestly, the senior showcase was really good

the sound blew though

but whatever

jessica really impressed me :-) she will go places

and yeah. i love ari to death, but she is looking mighty crackwhoreish these days, and is heading down a crappy path.

and i want to chop her friend megan's cock off

oh, and my blades came today.

and of course there are a 6 and not a 9 and do not fit and are disgusting

and i think that why i am so upset is clearly indicated in my journals. :/

i rawr in your face

sleeep is the best medicine


Thursday, January 29, 2009

i suck at conveying me

and that sucks all in itself

Movement: jumping to the beatles
Voice: Bernarda Alba the musical (no, im not joking. horrible idea. one good song)
Reading: msnd
Participation: 100

for 90% finishing my ipa/conno/denno

its not good that i come off as someone who doesnt know themself

i can't tell you how much that fucking stinks


i feel like crying right now

and beating someone

i just


i feel like a loser

and a basket case

and why do i come off as gay? when did this start?

that whole situation was from a while ago, but still

do i just LOOK like a leasbian or something? not like its bad but

its not me

do i really look that butch and nasty? i mean i know im not fucking nicole kidman, but really?

not to say that lesbians are bitch and nasty, but you know what i mean.

i feel like a freak. and hopeless.

what the fuck is it? am i aiming too high? should i not try to have a nice teenagery life?

what am i doing wrong?

what am i not doing?

oh my god i dont want to be one of those losers who buy ten billion self help books when theyre fifty and who check their's every two hours

oh my god

im fifteen and im already that

this is not good

i want to kick a puppy

i think im going crazy.

i think way too much and i want to cry all the time

and ill never be happy

how come all of these losers who act like ten yearolds have boyfriends? or had them?

and i dont?

do i look like a monster? am i really that despicable to look at?

god, im such a hypocrite

i dont have a fucking clue what im talking about

sorry hopey


Monday, January 26, 2009


Movement: Pushups, crunches
Voice: Rose's Turn
Reading: Midsummer
Participation: 100


but really, that actually kind of hurt a lot

i think i have a bruise on my back

but lalalalalla. i worked hard today.

even though i am not too bright...i'm not good with electical..shit

but this is what i wanted to put in my blog today

i was thinking about it

i think that the worst feeling in the world is invisibleness. i really do

when someone smacks you in the face (and i literally mean it) more than once on accident, it makes you feel blah

also when fucking dicks knock into you in the hallway and don't say sorry

i don't care if you're with your fuck buddies "messing around"

fuck. you

say sorry, dipshit

and by the way. i'm torn about something.

how can patti lupone go off on people like this: (listen to it. i swear it's really saddening and funny at the same time)

and get applause for it?

YOU DUMB BITCH. people pay hundreds of dollars to see you portray a character, sing your songs. do the whole fucking shibang and leave.

you have no right to come out of character and yell at some dumbass for taking picture.




i don't care about how much of a goddess of awesomeness you might be

be a diva OFFstage, not on. that shit is just plain rude

they were only clapping because they didn't want to get their doodles chopped off as well. getting lupwnd isnt on anyone's to-do list.

so much for a julliard education. throw all that shit away?? you fucking dipshit. i don't care how cool you are.

not being professional= YOU SUCK MAJOR BALLS


Friday, January 23, 2009


please don't bitch out on commitments, people. i'm gonna have a grand fucking time


for movement work
voice work

and for getting blades that will be here by thursday

oh yeah. by the way?



Thursday, January 22, 2009

about bernarda alba. read below post as well

i would like to be semiconcious while reading this.

i started, and it looks really bitchy. :-))))

but ill save the rest of it for later tomorrow

so. my bitching actaully wasn't bullshit

i told you

something retarded like this had to happen

that bitch is going down. not physically, but. you know what i mean

Movement: I can do full leglifts for a whole minute without stopping! SUCK MY COCK MR STAPLES
Voice: Revolution and If I Fell by The Beatles
Reading: Bernarda Alba (not yet. ill give separate journal later on)
Participation: 100

for learning not only my part, but pretty much everyone's in the act i scene ii

playing peaseblossom would be yummy

as much as i love being a rude mech

and lmfao at what anthony bourdain says about rachael ray. it is kinda fucked up how shes promoting dunkin donuts, and she knows she's family-friendly. i dont dig her vibes

and by the way: teachers who are awesome to their students have a special place in the cavity where my heart should be. it's just...*giggly juice pours from chelsea's soul*

more to come


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

read below post as well, please

Movement: Pushups, crunches, standing in cold for 20 minutes
Voice: Shuffle, most the white album songs though
Reading: okay, so i didn't exactly start bernarda alba today but...i will tomorrow. I worked on midsummer
Participation: 100 for doing nice character whoopies

I'm not sure if what I had today was an exestensial crisis or not...i just want to solve it.

I'm watching this movie called Pretty Persuasions right now, and it's funny as hell. even though i won't finish it tonight.

blahblahblah freshman ari is a whore

she needs to go. you can't help the helpless who dont want to be helped, poopypie.

she fucking obliterated the bizzillion chances she had without a second thought.

i hope she's gone.

All i have to say on the matter. don't ask me about her anymore

keep it ziploc fresh



daindondwl nwklnweklrnhewiobfsdkbcjks bcjsd fd.swk fjnfsjknf

ill post an actual journal later.

i need a break from all of this. i just...its scary how i don't know who i am right now.

even though im not sure what to let go of.

i realized how fucking rediculous i look in the clothes that i have. what am I trying to prove? when can i start being myself? why do i act like a sexcrazed maniac when I'm really not? i'd love to know why.

i need a break for like...a week. it can't be at my house. it can't be at a friend's house. itll never happen. i have so many vastly differing perosnas and it creeps me out. obvi im not gonna be what im like around my parents than i am my friends...but it's kind of an extreme. i don't like it. help.

more to come

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

fuck you, vo-tech

i'm going sharetime next year. i'm not taking anymore of this shit.

Movement: at least 20-35 minutes of walking back and forth to my house from my bus stop. in the freezing cold. yeah, so you do that every day with your bike. but. i couldn't feel my toes for an hour and a half :(
voice: fiddler on the roof, bitches. laura michelle kelly has the purest voice ever. everever. you might think someone else does, but you're wrong.
reading: msnd, reading over, character work. i am creating a person, yay :-)

participation: 100 for being at one of the greatest moments of modern american history. and finding where my character grew up. (3730 Merrick St., Braeswood Place, Houston, TX. bitchassho)

i hate votech's student body.

i hate all of them


yeah. i slipped on the ice and fell


fuck you all. you'll all be on welfare with your third kid on the way in five years.

obama is my new daddy and will restore amends

plus i cant risk dvorak giving another d. i just can't

even though you say you'll fight for it. we fought last year. did it work? no. teniors are a bitch. and so is dvorak.

but having epically failing facebook sort of makes up for it. :-)

losers that are more losery than me.

a novel concept.

yet there are people out there.

I'm starting bernarda alba tomorrow. yay


Thursday, January 15, 2009

read below post as well

i goooooooot it

and btw

that leglift wasn't the only thing i did haha :p. i did the usual: jackknives, pushups, dsjakndsja, blahalalala


Movement: I hit a new personal record! I did leg lifts for one whole minute without putting my legs on the ground! yaaaaaaaay me :-)
Voice: shooflay...i hate my iPod
Reading: MSND, bidoi
Participation: 100

For not being a snobby asshole and paying attention and offering to do shit when not asked. lalala

just cause 'it's not your turn' doesn't mean you don't do ANYTHING

at least be there, shut up and pay attention. it'll teach you something on one of the days. i swear

So, about homework:

I have not completed the physicality task just yet, but I will be back on before midnight to tell you. or just text you, whatever works. i swear on Julie Andrews that this will be completed


Doesn't it suck when you look back on the movies you obsessed over as a small child and noticed how much they really did...blow?



rehearsal will be fun. i know it

even though aladren will be...iffy most of the time. which really gets me excited

i've never seen you work before. like. up close. exceot for a bit of anton. which kinda blasted through my pure, prevoiusly un-directed little freshman acting hymen.

that was a little too extreme

but it is staying

just like the big welt on tami's nose XD she got punched in the face *coughSHEDESERVEDITcough* .





i love to remind myself that the kids in my town will go nowhere in life, which excites me.

and makes me think that i'm all talk and no substance. which is scary.

whatever. whoever locks me out of a bus is a dickwad


yay for having a new contact with the atlantic pretty much. holla


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Monday, January 12, 2009

oh yeah

my dog's farts are fiercer than yours

cause holy shit my eye lashes are searing off my face


Kelli O'harizzle

Movement: Push-ups(100), sit-ups(25), jackknives(10)
Voice: A wonderful guy (south pacific)
Reading: msnd
Paticipation: 100

For being a proud little lackie and causing no trouble.

And for braving the heights of the catwalk without pooping my undies.

I love singing that song. It's...nfsdklflsd

it puts me in a good mood :-))))))))))))))))))))))

ari visited...and that pooped on my lovely mood.

she needs to come back.


It's really fucking scary how she's getting bad grades in OBHS...I guess that's how much better the lessons are there then here

that's the shit that freaks me out when I get to college. I'm not even kidding....

what if I'm the laughingstock of these people? its just..ndkshfsdklhfwilhfwjkelncsdkl

oh yeah. and...





Friday, January 9, 2009

You got a substitute! *hughug*

thankies :-)

100 for being a good participant

and omgness dan and hope are golden to the max

and i dont understand javi

his plays are different

feel better aladren


Thursday, January 8, 2009


Movement: 50 pushups, 50 leglifts (in gym), 20 crunches
Voice: Shuffle
Reading: msnd

Participation: 100

All of the tasks that were asked of me were completed. :-) Proud of myself, I am.

I have to start doing these earlier. I really can't think of anything to say except I want to start blocking tomorrow. Really bad.


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

You know what? fuck this shit

I'm giving myself 100

I participated in rachel's workshop and had an awesome time. And I didn't do horribly either, so.

look at below post, too. Byebye.

it can't be trueeeeee

movement: pushups, situps, jackknives
voice: shuffle
Reading: msnd

Participation: 89

I did nothing special today. blarp


I'm listening to really bad showtunes.

like, REALLY bad...

that would shame me.

oh and when did rachel become a glamazon? I'm jealous of her epic awesomeness.


Tuesday, January 6, 2009


and i also deserve 100 for finishing up setting up my actors' book

*self highfive*


Movement: Pushups
Voice: iPizzle
Reading: Memorzing lines...and highlighting them. ALL SIX XD
Participation: 100

I was a good little tecchie minion and did just what I was told.

Along with KP, we have started a masterful crusade to clean up the wings. It's pretty beast as of now, and will get better.


I found videos.

of me.

which will be on nationwide cable...that everyone watches.


mtv is bad

boo on you mtv

i thought you were cool



Monday, January 5, 2009

back into ze swing of things

Movement: 50 pushups, 75 situps, 25 jackknives :-)
Voice: Ze shuffle on my iPod
Reading: The Reader by Bernard Schlink
Participation: 100

Why? Because I took one for the team and took a shitty job. PLUS, I'm getting more organized and got a whole binder for Midsummer.

I was singing horrible songs that were fun for me to sing because they were in my range. It made me happy. :-)

I'm really too tired to think right now, because people are stupid.

Someone "insulted" me by calling me a jew.


That really hurt my feelings! XD

I'm fucking proud of my jew shnoz...

Plus that kid had the fucking fattest nose in the world, so he shouldn't be talking. Asshat. I hate Cliffwood Beach.

I'd rather live in Hoodbridge at this point.



