Wednesday, January 21, 2009


daindondwl nwklnweklrnhewiobfsdkbcjks bcjsd fd.swk fjnfsjknf

ill post an actual journal later.

i need a break from all of this. i just...its scary how i don't know who i am right now.

even though im not sure what to let go of.

i realized how fucking rediculous i look in the clothes that i have. what am I trying to prove? when can i start being myself? why do i act like a sexcrazed maniac when I'm really not? i'd love to know why.

i need a break for like...a week. it can't be at my house. it can't be at a friend's house. itll never happen. i have so many vastly differing perosnas and it creeps me out. obvi im not gonna be what im like around my parents than i am my friends...but it's kind of an extreme. i don't like it. help.

more to come

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