Thursday, January 15, 2009


Movement: I hit a new personal record! I did leg lifts for one whole minute without putting my legs on the ground! yaaaaaaaay me :-)
Voice: shooflay...i hate my iPod
Reading: MSND, bidoi
Participation: 100

For not being a snobby asshole and paying attention and offering to do shit when not asked. lalala

just cause 'it's not your turn' doesn't mean you don't do ANYTHING

at least be there, shut up and pay attention. it'll teach you something on one of the days. i swear

So, about homework:

I have not completed the physicality task just yet, but I will be back on before midnight to tell you. or just text you, whatever works. i swear on Julie Andrews that this will be completed


Doesn't it suck when you look back on the movies you obsessed over as a small child and noticed how much they really did...blow?



rehearsal will be fun. i know it

even though aladren will be...iffy most of the time. which really gets me excited

i've never seen you work before. like. up close. exceot for a bit of anton. which kinda blasted through my pure, prevoiusly un-directed little freshman acting hymen.

that was a little too extreme

but it is staying

just like the big welt on tami's nose XD she got punched in the face *coughSHEDESERVEDITcough* .





i love to remind myself that the kids in my town will go nowhere in life, which excites me.

and makes me think that i'm all talk and no substance. which is scary.

whatever. whoever locks me out of a bus is a dickwad


yay for having a new contact with the atlantic pretty much. holla


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