Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I have time?

So apparently, if I get home at 6:30, I can be finished by ten? And if I stay home I can be finished at 11:15? What?


But ANYWAY, I'll be really busy until then because I have Bolero now. It will keep me on track, and it will be fun stage managing. Being a bitch and writing rehearsal reports and calling the show? Hollaaaa.

Boonchickachicka, the meeting report is in your inbox, ladeh. MWAH.

Friday, September 25, 2009

I need icyhot stat, dude.

What is stat short for, anyway?

100 for being Travis Coe's fat pig. Awesome. Free writing and lack of creative writing suck, but given circumstances do not. I came up with a lot of those without getting too heady.

Poor Meggie Shook.

I'm confused, weirded out, surprised, nervous, and scared.

Outcastyfreakness feeling ensues. Splendid.

Why can't I be articulate and not awkward and grosslooking in real life? I'm a crazy fucking loon.


Thursday, September 24, 2009

soc (actual blog comes in a bit)

So yeah, five minutes. aaaaaand. GO:

so bopbopbop here i am with nothing to say, wish i had paperpaper instead of online poopy notpaper. bodoop this isnt going to keep me occupied, is it? i riush shit a lot. i should stop . maxx serpica freshman year. gabeskype. hhhmmmm laaaaaaa broke for ten seconds. bad/good? bad, most likely. ccent dialect accent girl licking harold's face? harold and kumar. poor kid on my bus is called kumar; his name's kevin, i think. faking compassion is not really a great attribute. ooooh big word! can mr mcnamara comprehend it? OH BOY. a doll's house. reading frehsman blogs like a junior creep. two minutes left. goddamn i type slow. want to read lysistrata and not do this. how is this considered writing-related? she will pwn me tomorrow. dan baker song 'she keeps blablahbalh' i dont remember the words, it reminded me of the song. is it about ally or leigh? the world will never knooow. maybe it's about his sister or his mom. maybe. idk. IDEEKAY, my bff jill? ahhhh, you name dropping bitch, stop. salalmi. yummmmm, salami. thirty seconds left. chocolate. my stomach hurts. it used to suck when gabe faked all the OF the creative little things he said for attention. he'll most likely read this. love you gayb. bopbo stop? STOP!

...aaaand stop. yay grade.



Participation: 100 for ouching and pinching. poor lindseh; why you cry lady? :( learned things. more ouching than pinching, though. I'm good at it, trying to get better at pinching. Active participation is cool, too. I'm gonna leave a few stuffs there at school, I think.

Why can't you have a good translation of Lysistrata, Internet??! And one that ISN'T written to be in a Scottish dialect?! What??

What the crap is this crap?

Not even sure what this is about, though. the translation is really poorly written, and it's the best one I could find short of sparknotes-level translations. dumb. dumbdumbdumb crap.

I think there was a dick joke, though. I neeeeed a better translation. Will go to library or barnes+noble over long weekend and see if those bitches have it. would be most helpful.

recommend any good authors, btw?

getting ready for kp's concept meeting. fun stuff. I heart Staples and Gabe 'teh awesomes' Spector.

And I was so excited to start reading it too, since you said it was really good. and it looks a lot easier and exciting to entertain mah brainular machine since it has more dialogue than anything else.

That's really it.

Oh yeah. participation grade. i'll put it at the top.

Talked to Rachester. Glad she is out of poopy academics, and just in the studio. She makes me have SPA pride. Holla.

Night. Not too tired.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


100 for engaging in activities, and coherently being in the classroom. AND being nice to noobs outside of shop. even though I should do that on a regular basis.

Agapoopnon makes me sad. I've literally never read anything so boring. I'll try and get through it, I guess. I mean, I have to. But you know. Now that I know what's going on in the story, the language seems to hard to bear. Like...uggghhh. Oedipus and Antigone were awesome. This? Not really. The chrous goes on for forever, then Clymie is all, "Yay! Troy is no more!" and then blabs on about how awesome the war was (I think?).

"But, wouldst thou speak once more, I fain would hear
From first to last the marvel of the tale. "


"A gracious word thy woman's lips have told,
Worthy a wise man's utterance,"

...and that's where I stopped (before the chorus starts again). I don't get why we're reading this if we already know the story, and the language is terrible. I miss Euripides.

Katelin's senior showcase sounds like interesting stuff. On a lot of levels. Can't wait. :)

Btw, do you want a douchebag mom? Cause I have an extra one if you need it.

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay depressing stuff.


Monday, September 21, 2009


Participation: 100 for better understanding of emsemble excercises and taking things away from these classes. You lose yourself after a while; it's weird.

I got the email about the wrong dates yesterday. Meh.

October 9th, October 23rd, November 6th

:D Yay, awesome teacher.

So, Agammemnon. These people will not shut up about how much everything sucks.

In my translation, everything is in iambic pentameter. Normal y/n?

-The Watchman is on the roof of Agamemnon's palace. He's saying aoout how well he knows the night and all of the gods ands tuff that come with it, since he's been staying out there so much. He's waiting to light the light to signal the fall of Troy. I think he's afraid to sleep because he keeps having nightmares about what's going on (?).

-It turns to light, and he's a little happier.

-The chorus' stuff (all the way up to to 1st Strophe) just flew over my head; not gonna lie. It's the combination of Chelsea's tired, and a vast vocabulary that's just not working for me right now. The translation seems a lot better online than I thought it would be, but I need to keep trying.

- I know they talked about:

- The Trojan War
-How Zeus set Atreus's sons on fire
-how they want the Queen to tell them new aout what happened in troy (?)

completely lost. Can't wait to really get into it, though. The rhyming always distracts me, though. I hate that it distracts me. Blah.

Yay parnets' night. Woopwoop.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Sorry about that

Had no computer/cell phone access. Yay if you still accept this.

Participation: 89

Thursday, September 17, 2009

fuckfuckfuck lady gaga and her love game.

100 for 2 minutes of reality success. For the most part, anyway. Way better than freshman year, I can tell you that. I'm glad we're training more this year,cause we barely did last year. Work CAN be training, but I like it more like this.

Did not start Agammemnon (will on MOnday), but re-read the beginning of Oedy Rex. Good stuff.

You probably won't give me a 100 for this; I don't blame you.

Kristine is brilliant, but fucking stupid.

What can I talk about? Nothing too private, not on the interwebs.

existentialism. help.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


I can't control my emotions whatsoever. Why? WHY?


I feel like a brat. So, my dad got a backpack for me. Really nice, right? skajdldsaldjsakldasldjasljdska

It's with some dumb floral peace sign pattern, and I'm super upset about it. Like, I'm about to cry about it. This is really dumb. It's SO not a big deal. JUst tyring to figure out if I'm crazy or if its PMS, because all I wanted was a solid color on the backpack. I feel like the biggest asshole, cause I feel like theyre wasting their money on some thing I don't fully need in the first place. Plus, it's too small.

FUCK YOU, ptetty child. Too small?! Some people haven't had a new bookbag since 8th grade.

But the part I'm so sad about is that I didn't get what I want. I'm a bad person, I feel like a bad daughter.

...I didn't read today, and barely did my homework. So, I'd *like* to give myself a 100 for doing techthings, but you know. Vary the shit up.

Is my head going to explode? It will, eventually.

WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON IN MY BRAIN??!?!! It's the SECOND week of school, and I want a break.

I'm starting to want to punch stuff again. If any waterworks come tomorrow, sorry. It's just the pms talking, don't bother me.

PS: Can someone send Haulass to the planet she came from? Jesus fucking shit, that just gets super annoying, super fast. I don't care if it's immature to say that.


pps: ..........................i am soooo not emo

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Allergies or Sick? It's the eighth wonder of the worls. If my thoughts were like a buliding or something

Participation: 100 for actively participating in class, coherently understanding what was happening 95% of the time, and finishing Antigoneh (also coherently, not rushing too much.)

Can I get a whatwhat?

*For people who haven't read Antigone, SPOILERS*

Points of interest:

-Poor Antiggywiggy, she didn't know what was coming. Like Juliet, but a little emoer. And with BALLLLS.

-Haemon wasn't a dick like I thought he was; he did come around for his woman, even though his asshole dad pretty much is to blame for his suicide.

-NO ONE TRUSTS TIRESIAS. WTF? You should have listened THE FIRST TIME; he IS a prophet after all and is not doing it 'for the gold.' Creon sucks really bad.

-Speaking of him, he deserved what he got. Hopefully he will not die and have to live with what happened until he does die, or kills himself. The latter will probably happen, but you know. It's all good.

-I'm not sure what I think of Creon, though; like, who would REALLY go to those lengths? I guess peoples' values really DO differ that much. Whatevs.

-Where the fuck did Ismene go? I don't remember her dying. :/

-Does Eurydice have her own play? I remember that name. Poor thing, too. Sucks that both of her sons died.

**end spoilers**

Shalaaaaaa I want to move away form here. Bad parents really suck. Just cause you never learned how to take care of your fucking self doesn't mean you put it on me. Passive aggressive bitch.

Woohoo, I'm a nice person.

Yay for getting this done remotely early (for me, anyway)

I'M BACK ON NEWSPAPER. Woohooooo. And I'm going to a writing thingy with Papsie, Dbake, and that bitchy chick Mariah? Sounds like fun stuffs.

Hm. Can't think of anything else.


ps: Kristine makes me madder/sadder than Jews made Hitler

Monday, September 14, 2009


My dad is infinitely cooler than yours.

100 today, for doing ensembley things, and getting into the swing of things.

So I didn't read Agammemnon, but I'm halfway through Antigone.

It's gooooood. I like it a bit better than Oedy Rex; Antigone has some tude, and isn't a whiny bitch like her dad.


-Her two brothers die in war; one is celebrated like a hero and has a funeral and stuff, and the other is treated like a piece of poo, because he was rooting for the other side. Since Antigone doesn't want him to be resting like crap, she tries to give him a proper burial (after her sister, Ismene, tells her not to). She doesn't. A servant sees her, and she gets reported to Creon (who's KING and suddenly turned into an asshole? wtf?). He wants them both to die ('one mad by bitrh, the other by attainment '-_-). Where I stopped is when he brings in Haemon, his son; he's supposed to be engaged to Antigone, but cheeses out on her because he wants to be 'loyal' to his father and country. I'm not saying it's not admirable, but he's still a douche. There's more to come, so I'm not sure what's gonna happen with all of these characters; they all seem pretty juicy.

-I'm getting to see what you were saying about the way it was written; I thought it was all some weird kind of dlf;sdkfsdtameter or whatever. It's not. :-)

I found out that I don't enjoy things. I look back on them as they're happening, and not enojying the moment; the only memory I have is of thinking about what just happened; You know what? Those usually aren't happy memories anyway. Me want to let go. Sounds like fun.

And I'm already forgetting books? What the fack? Planners help a million though; all the small things (hehe, song) that pop in your head are writeable. Yipyipypip.

The only thing I like about McNamara's class is SSR ('Sustained Silent Reading'). It's when he doesn't teach. Ms. Austin and Cermak are nice. Harvey is Harvey. My shop teacher's a complete bitch though.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Meh, life.

Participation: 100

Why? Because I sincerely tried to write something. Even though it pooped, the SOC really helped to put me at ease. Also, for getting through a pretty good chunk of Antigone. Shawing.

My dad is getting married tomorrow...oh boy. My pop-pop wins for biggest closet creeper; he looks so cute at first, but then once he started to check Denise's friend's boobs, I was over that shit. Gross.

OH! Dates: October 16th, October 30th, November 20th.

I smell like Mexican food.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

I forgot

TEACHER BLOG on monday. Wooooooooooooooooooooooo. Can't wait for that one. Nothing on Friday as my father is getting married, and I need to help.

Read below post please.


100 today for not disturbing, follwing orders, and finishing the play.

So yeah, Oedipus is a little crazy. Poor guy gauged his eyes out. I mean, anyone would after their mother/wife killed themsleves. Anyway, points I found interesting:

-The constant change of language throughout the entire translation; I swear, this guy put all the fancy crap at the very beginning and end so when his publisher would skim through it, he would think he was doing a good job. Beginning: "whaaaaaat? this is confusing." Middle: "Oh, okay." End: All fancy. I don't understand why this is necessary. I still want to know if that's in any sort of rhythmic pattern. I'd like to know what it is.

-Pretty tragic. Pretty Greek. I want to read Antigone now. And Oedipus at Colonus. Btw, some chick who spelled parents 'parrents' wrote all over it. No help, unfortunately.

-It was a great story, but I think I'll need to read a better translation to really get a grip on it.

-On the whole, I understood it. Around 90%, I think.

-OH. And now I get all the vision references. fahchaaaaa.

-I absolutely loved the role the chorus plays in the story. Like, a medium between the story and audience. We need more of those; it makes me happy.

By the way, did you get my dates for the script?

Artseh stuff comes later; need to find a schedule where I get most things done by seven o'clock, when I'm still competent. Nightnight.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I should be asleep right now

Participation: 100 (if your grade doesn't count?) because of my newly found leadership skillz.

So, I read pages 31-60 of Oedipus Rex today.

-Oedipus finds out from the Messenger that his 'father' is dead, so he's all "Awesome. Fuck you, Apollo." and so is Jocasta, until the Messenger starts talking about how his Laius was killed, and about a child who was put into the woods with his feet pinned together.

-Oedipus finds out that the prophecy really DID come true

-Jocasta is crapping her pants and doesn't want to believe it

Most of it consists of Oedipus arguing with either Jocasta or the Chorus about how he's right and they're wrong. Still pompus, and I still feel bad for him. I'd feel like a huge sick fuck.

I'm starting to latch onto the language now. It actually does get easier. Nothing really is getting accomplished, though. I mean, nothing super important. It just seems like complaining, but maybe because I already knew what happened before I started it.

Thanks. GOD

Need to sleep, no time for teh artseh blog.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Oedipus Rex (Sophocles): Pgs 1 to 30. shawing.

So, uh Oedipus Rex. Cool stuff. WAIT.

Participation: 100 for paying attention, copying notes, and appyling what you talked about to what I read? Whaaat?

The thing you talked about with the characters mentioning anything to do with vision, blindness, blablahblah showed more than I thought it would. A couple of things I would like to discuss (with myself. awesome):

-I think I want to switch my translation, it sounds too pedestrian and modern to me. Or is it how it's supposed to be? Whatever, I guess I'll find out later.

The verses are not in any regular pattern, unless they're some quadrapootameter that I don't know of. They look like how Rosie O'Donnell writes online. For instance:

"fire island
amazing really
47 and just arrived

how is that possible
i have no clue
the ferry ride out
like stepping into longtime companion

ma'am - said a southern disbelieving voice
yes i replied - smiling inside
i watched when i was a kid
he was still a kid - 20

left med school as his parents pulled the cash
when they found out his secret
gay as could be
he was now a dancing boy in gay heaven"

That's what it looked like. Only more sentence-y. Is that *okay*?

-Oedipus is such a dick. Like, really? He's SO pompous; he doesn't stop talking about how awesome he is, and how everyone who disagrees with him should be banished, or should die. That's mature.

-By the way, Tiresias and Creon own Oedipus equally. I know that if some old bat said I killed the king before me, and then said that my relationship with my wife was incredibly screwed up, yeah, I'd be really pissed; but it sucks how he can't see how really right Tiresias is, and how Creon (i couldn't stop thinking of crayons whenever I read the name) isn't a traitor. THEY ARE RIGHT. Trust other people for once in a while, yes?

-I can't say I fully understand everything about it right now, because I don't. I'm not going to until a little later on. But I do like what I see so far (even though I read the first page of Antigone, and that already seemed miles better).

-I like the role of the chorus; it would be beyond awesome for the audience to have a chat with the characters with the play you're seeing. THAT would be awesome.

-Loved seeing the obvious introductions of characters. Throwback to Midsummer.

-I like Greek mythology, and I'm not completely lost on all of the god(dess')s' names/meanings. I *did* learn something in Ancient Civilizations in 6th Grade. And in Dvorak, I'm ashamed to admit.

-IT MENTIONED MAENADS! See? True Blood CAN teach you stuff. Not really. And when Casey mentioned Dionysus, I kneeewwwww what it meant, cause of True Blood. What culture is Bromios from? Greek, right?

- "CREON. You make no sense.

OEDIPUS. I make decisions."


WANT GAYCAKE. omnomnom.

I will start to artsy-journal when I get back into the swing of things. It's gonna be a lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggg year. Full of complaints. I'm readeh, motherfucker.

Friday, September 4, 2009

So, hi

Two of the major things that need to change: confidence and stress levels. Hm. How will I accomplish this?

No one knoOoOows.

bishaapopopopop. legitters blogging starts tuesday, woop. I can't wait to find everyone links and be a stalker person, although I hope no one else finds mine; the poor people who already know about it have probably been crushed and spit on with my words by now. I mostly mean Gabe, but you know.

i wonder if aladrenness has a blog. hm. she probably doesn't have time.

i want to change the title, it's pretty dumb. who will help me?