Thursday, September 24, 2009


Participation: 100 for ouching and pinching. poor lindseh; why you cry lady? :( learned things. more ouching than pinching, though. I'm good at it, trying to get better at pinching. Active participation is cool, too. I'm gonna leave a few stuffs there at school, I think.

Why can't you have a good translation of Lysistrata, Internet??! And one that ISN'T written to be in a Scottish dialect?! What??

What the crap is this crap?

Not even sure what this is about, though. the translation is really poorly written, and it's the best one I could find short of sparknotes-level translations. dumb. dumbdumbdumb crap.

I think there was a dick joke, though. I neeeeed a better translation. Will go to library or barnes+noble over long weekend and see if those bitches have it. would be most helpful.

recommend any good authors, btw?

getting ready for kp's concept meeting. fun stuff. I heart Staples and Gabe 'teh awesomes' Spector.

And I was so excited to start reading it too, since you said it was really good. and it looks a lot easier and exciting to entertain mah brainular machine since it has more dialogue than anything else.

That's really it.

Oh yeah. participation grade. i'll put it at the top.

Talked to Rachester. Glad she is out of poopy academics, and just in the studio. She makes me have SPA pride. Holla.

Night. Not too tired.

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