Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Oedipus Rex (Sophocles): Pgs 1 to 30. shawing.

So, uh Oedipus Rex. Cool stuff. WAIT.

Participation: 100 for paying attention, copying notes, and appyling what you talked about to what I read? Whaaat?

The thing you talked about with the characters mentioning anything to do with vision, blindness, blablahblah showed more than I thought it would. A couple of things I would like to discuss (with myself. awesome):

-I think I want to switch my translation, it sounds too pedestrian and modern to me. Or is it how it's supposed to be? Whatever, I guess I'll find out later.

The verses are not in any regular pattern, unless they're some quadrapootameter that I don't know of. They look like how Rosie O'Donnell writes online. For instance:

"fire island
amazing really
47 and just arrived

how is that possible
i have no clue
the ferry ride out
like stepping into longtime companion

ma'am - said a southern disbelieving voice
yes i replied - smiling inside
i watched when i was a kid
he was still a kid - 20

left med school as his parents pulled the cash
when they found out his secret
gay as could be
he was now a dancing boy in gay heaven"

That's what it looked like. Only more sentence-y. Is that *okay*?

-Oedipus is such a dick. Like, really? He's SO pompous; he doesn't stop talking about how awesome he is, and how everyone who disagrees with him should be banished, or should die. That's mature.

-By the way, Tiresias and Creon own Oedipus equally. I know that if some old bat said I killed the king before me, and then said that my relationship with my wife was incredibly screwed up, yeah, I'd be really pissed; but it sucks how he can't see how really right Tiresias is, and how Creon (i couldn't stop thinking of crayons whenever I read the name) isn't a traitor. THEY ARE RIGHT. Trust other people for once in a while, yes?

-I can't say I fully understand everything about it right now, because I don't. I'm not going to until a little later on. But I do like what I see so far (even though I read the first page of Antigone, and that already seemed miles better).

-I like the role of the chorus; it would be beyond awesome for the audience to have a chat with the characters with the play you're seeing. THAT would be awesome.

-Loved seeing the obvious introductions of characters. Throwback to Midsummer.

-I like Greek mythology, and I'm not completely lost on all of the god(dess')s' names/meanings. I *did* learn something in Ancient Civilizations in 6th Grade. And in Dvorak, I'm ashamed to admit.

-IT MENTIONED MAENADS! See? True Blood CAN teach you stuff. Not really. And when Casey mentioned Dionysus, I kneeewwwww what it meant, cause of True Blood. What culture is Bromios from? Greek, right?

- "CREON. You make no sense.

OEDIPUS. I make decisions."


WANT GAYCAKE. omnomnom.

I will start to artsy-journal when I get back into the swing of things. It's gonna be a lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggg year. Full of complaints. I'm readeh, motherfucker.

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