Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Wooooooooooot, I'm super cool.

100 for staying after for Matt's.

He isn't a director, and he's a hardass. But that's Matt, the techie bastard.

And Katelyn Covington is legit ME freshman year.

Matt: "Katelyn, can you get the extension cord from the booth?"
Katelyn: "Okay. This booth?" *points to SR wing*
M: "No, the one in the back of the house."
K: "Oh, okay!"
Two minutes later.
K: "Is this orange cordy thing okay?"
Matt looks at me. "That's so you your freshman year."

She's freaking awesome. I'm not even being sarcastic.

Happy Holidizzles!

Monday, December 21, 2009

So, I'm Matt's new SM.

100 for staying after for that.

Ohboyohboy. Have you joined the googlegroup yet, Aladren?

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Doing things and shmings

Participation (today): 100 for researching some shows for Gabe; some fail, some don't (hopefully). There really aren't that many to choose from. But then again, I haven't thoroughly gone through mti.com. It'll happen tomorrow.

-100 for yesterday, for light-opping the dance show that morning.

-100 for Monday, for staying after. I'll get to that ENTIRE situation later.

-100 for Friday, for staying after and assissting Ally with FOH (did I already put that?).

Okay. Sensory OVERLOAD; what I get from this is basically Callidorus wants his chick, but Ballio's the procurer of the hoes. I think 15 minae have already been paid, but they need to get the other five; Pseudolus is helping him. Calli's been scrounging for money everywhere, so I think they turn to Simo (daddy) and Callipho (mommy)?

I know that if Pseudy does what he's supposed to (by helping Callidorus) he'll be set free; and if he doens't, he'll die. Amirite?

Wow, what an incredibly shitty journal.

I honestly need a hard copy of this, really, really badly. Like...I can read on hte interwebs, it's so distracting. I hate it. I'll ask for one tomorrow; hopefully there's one at school I could use.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Dance show.

You've got some competish.

100 for working front-of-house with Ally.

Thursday, December 10, 2009


He's just a funny fucker, isn't he?

Participation: 89

Getting the general gist of what's going down, but it's pretty hard to understand with the huuuuuuuuge diction barrier and fucked up Ss. Just read the first scene, I'll finish it this weekend, though.

So Caillidorus (son of Simo) is super, super upset because he fell in love with this chick, and that she was getting sold to a millitary officer, even though the deal wasn't 100 percent sealed. He wants to kill himself and stuff, so Pseudolus (his father's servant) wants to stop it, for enough money to set himself free (? Pretty sure).

And that's pretty much the first scene. Mostly.

Not having a Norton's a bitch. I'm looking for a better version as we speak.


Monday, December 7, 2009


100 for helping danny boy with Don't Cut Class.


Friday, November 20, 2009

Vicky Cristina Barcelona

That movie awakens something in me, I swear to god.

I'm gonna full-fledge review it. I want to explore it, oh my goooood. It's amazing. It's amazing. I can't articulate it right now, but this organic mixture of emotions just springs up in me every time I see it. Oh my gooooooood. If I was to ever be come sort of artist, I would have to watch that movie again. It's so inpiring to not live a small life, and to appreciate art and people. Self-reflection time, no?

Wooooooooooo. woo. wow. Am I missing the point here? I don't want to miss the point. I'm not putting out what I actually think about the main themes, the diction, the motifs, and all that other fun stuff, though.

Can I watch it not alone next time? Penelope Cruz fucking deserved that Oscar, too. SO natural, SO brilliant. Her availability is really something to covet; what a hard role to play. I just...oh my God.

I've been reminded why you love Spain so much, Aladren.

Ughughughugh, this...catharsis is just coming over me, better than any other high I've ever experienced. It's the best feeling in the world; I want to know how to sustain it. Being happy is too much fun to pass up.

I want to be happy forever. Oh my God. It's a wonderful feeling. Fufillment, you feel creative, my thought process feels all cohesive, it's just uncomparable to anything I've felt in a while.

Wish I could share it with someone.

Maybe I'll start making this blog private. Maybe.

I feel like I should keep blogging until this feeling stops. Why should I? I want it to last.


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

And btw

89 (read below post if you want)

Feeling a little like a dirty tissue

I've been putting off doing the stuff I really need to do, and I think if I get it off of my chest now I'll feel a bunch better.

If you don't want to deal with my crap, don't read it. I'll have my pity party if I fucking want to. mmkays?


fuckyoufuckyoufuckyoufuckyou. don't undermine me. I just remembered it's undermine, not undermind. Thank you, spellcheck.

I want to pull my hair out. Everything seems to be collapsing onto me. I feel like no one gives two shits about what I have to say, and that I'm a lowly, vile creature compared to everyone else.

Trying to deal with me never being at the same maturity level, social wellness, or intellect level (yeah, just made that up) as everyone else around me. Inadequacy. I hate the looks you give me. Everyone gives me. Am I going insane? Am I paranoid?

And I always have to prove myself to look like less of an asshole, but then end looking like more of an ass in the end?

I'm a little shcoked. I've been shocked a lot, lately. Trying to feel happy-go-lucky and shirley templey and stuff, but that's obviously not happening.

Can I stop procrastinating now? Please? Can I stop being a huge douche?


Shut the fuck up.

Shut. the fuck. up.

I hope no one who barely knows me reads this. What would they think?

No, fuck them. And fuck you. You suck.

Low-status. Shove them under the carpet. They don't exist. AWESOME!


Crazy fuck you see on the street

Monday, November 16, 2009

Super-happy I remembered to blog

100% for helping out with auditions today, and giving my babeh feedbacks. But yeah. I have no clue what I'm doing in regards to directing, but there's no damage to be done from trying it, right?

I was really surprised with the rank turnouts for the actors. I'm a little frightened to see what my grade is, though.

I feel a little restless when I'm at home.

But I got a new phone, so that's always good. Totes ready for the history test on Wednesday. :D I got that shit down.

OH YES! I have another way to get a scholarship now (possibly) big money, too. fun stuff.

And the award for most ADD blog in existence goes toooooo...

Friday, November 13, 2009

Tech pg's

Wednesday: 100

Thursday: 100

Friday: 100

ALL for tech. Holla at it. I'll elaborate on this entire week on Monday, I guess. Wooooooooooop

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Yesterday's grade

100 for staying after.

Actual journal for today comes later.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


I forgot about journals. I'm reaaaaaaalllyyyyy behind. Like, REALLY behind. Fun stuff.

And I have to get off of the computer right now. Awesome. Can i get like...half-credit if I put the writing I wrote tonight on Lysistrata up here tomorrow?

Friday, October 16, 2009


100 for tech. omnom the wing looks prettier than it did before (and more oragnized). I don't know if I was supposed to do grades of everyone in my group, so I'll just email them to you later.


Thursday, October 15, 2009

Yay woohoo suck

100 for staying after for Bolero.

Sorry, Scarlett.

Sorry, Katelin.

Sorry, Aladren.

Why do I linger on bad things? STOP BEING MOROSE.

I overthink everything. It's a trap and I want to scream.

I scream.



Tuesday, October 13, 2009


100 for afterschool

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


100 for staying after? Not sure if it counts, but I'm pressing my luck.

I'm still not fully sure about what I want to do...I'm like 90% sure I want to do what we talked about, so. Mehmehmehmeh. :/


Friday, October 2, 2009

yay weekend

100 fir taking charge of the chibbies, even though I didn't do so hot.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


I really like this story already, but I could only get so many good pages off of google books.

So, the chick named Lysistrata comes up with a brilliant idea to stop the Peloppenesian (spelling?) War and create peace by denying (consenusal) sex with their husbands, so they'll make a treaty. I think she might be getting a woman from the opposing side (just guessing, haven't gotten there yet).

She tries to get all of the women in Athens to get in with it, and they're apprehensive because they like sexytime (who doesn't?). But they give in, and I stopped after Lysistrata and Kalonike made an oath.


Is this a comedy? Cause it's really fucking funny (in the good way). Love it so far, but can't wait to get a better translation in a book THAT'S NOT a modern one or one that's made to be in a Scottish accent. Damn the internet and my lack of a car.

I feel productive. Suck it, universe.



So hi

I'm kinda...not gonna do this until I have the real Lysistrata. I went to Barnes and NOble in such a fucking hurry that I forgot to check ALL the the title page; it was a modern translation. Should I still read some and feel super guilty? Probably, cause my grade is a bit fucked right now. So I will. In a bit. Another Lysistrata blog comes later.

I feel like I'm forgetting things already with Bolero. I'm paranoid. Is the Mainstage going to be like this? Jesus on a stick.

...and 100 for learning more about independent activities. Ill pick a better one once I get the chance. mrah I'll explain later

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I have time?

So apparently, if I get home at 6:30, I can be finished by ten? And if I stay home I can be finished at 11:15? What?


But ANYWAY, I'll be really busy until then because I have Bolero now. It will keep me on track, and it will be fun stage managing. Being a bitch and writing rehearsal reports and calling the show? Hollaaaa.

Boonchickachicka, the meeting report is in your inbox, ladeh. MWAH.

Friday, September 25, 2009

I need icyhot stat, dude.

What is stat short for, anyway?

100 for being Travis Coe's fat pig. Awesome. Free writing and lack of creative writing suck, but given circumstances do not. I came up with a lot of those without getting too heady.

Poor Meggie Shook.

I'm confused, weirded out, surprised, nervous, and scared.

Outcastyfreakness feeling ensues. Splendid.

Why can't I be articulate and not awkward and grosslooking in real life? I'm a crazy fucking loon.


Thursday, September 24, 2009

soc (actual blog comes in a bit)

So yeah, five minutes. aaaaaand. GO:

so bopbopbop here i am with nothing to say, wish i had paperpaper instead of online poopy notpaper. bodoop this isnt going to keep me occupied, is it? i riush shit a lot. i should stop . maxx serpica freshman year. gabeskype. hhhmmmm laaaaaaa broke for ten seconds. bad/good? bad, most likely. ccent dialect accent girl licking harold's face? harold and kumar. poor kid on my bus is called kumar; his name's kevin, i think. faking compassion is not really a great attribute. ooooh big word! can mr mcnamara comprehend it? OH BOY. a doll's house. reading frehsman blogs like a junior creep. two minutes left. goddamn i type slow. want to read lysistrata and not do this. how is this considered writing-related? she will pwn me tomorrow. dan baker song 'she keeps blablahbalh' i dont remember the words, it reminded me of the song. is it about ally or leigh? the world will never knooow. maybe it's about his sister or his mom. maybe. idk. IDEEKAY, my bff jill? ahhhh, you name dropping bitch, stop. salalmi. yummmmm, salami. thirty seconds left. chocolate. my stomach hurts. it used to suck when gabe faked all the OF the creative little things he said for attention. he'll most likely read this. love you gayb. bopbo stop? STOP!

...aaaand stop. yay grade.



Participation: 100 for ouching and pinching. poor lindseh; why you cry lady? :( learned things. more ouching than pinching, though. I'm good at it, trying to get better at pinching. Active participation is cool, too. I'm gonna leave a few stuffs there at school, I think.

Why can't you have a good translation of Lysistrata, Internet??! And one that ISN'T written to be in a Scottish dialect?! What??

What the crap is this crap?

Not even sure what this is about, though. the translation is really poorly written, and it's the best one I could find short of sparknotes-level translations. dumb. dumbdumbdumb crap.

I think there was a dick joke, though. I neeeeed a better translation. Will go to library or barnes+noble over long weekend and see if those bitches have it. would be most helpful.

recommend any good authors, btw?

getting ready for kp's concept meeting. fun stuff. I heart Staples and Gabe 'teh awesomes' Spector.

And I was so excited to start reading it too, since you said it was really good. and it looks a lot easier and exciting to entertain mah brainular machine since it has more dialogue than anything else.

That's really it.

Oh yeah. participation grade. i'll put it at the top.

Talked to Rachester. Glad she is out of poopy academics, and just in the studio. She makes me have SPA pride. Holla.

Night. Not too tired.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


100 for engaging in activities, and coherently being in the classroom. AND being nice to noobs outside of shop. even though I should do that on a regular basis.

Agapoopnon makes me sad. I've literally never read anything so boring. I'll try and get through it, I guess. I mean, I have to. But you know. Now that I know what's going on in the story, the language seems to hard to bear. Like...uggghhh. Oedipus and Antigone were awesome. This? Not really. The chrous goes on for forever, then Clymie is all, "Yay! Troy is no more!" and then blabs on about how awesome the war was (I think?).

"But, wouldst thou speak once more, I fain would hear
From first to last the marvel of the tale. "


"A gracious word thy woman's lips have told,
Worthy a wise man's utterance,"

...and that's where I stopped (before the chorus starts again). I don't get why we're reading this if we already know the story, and the language is terrible. I miss Euripides.

Katelin's senior showcase sounds like interesting stuff. On a lot of levels. Can't wait. :)

Btw, do you want a douchebag mom? Cause I have an extra one if you need it.

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay depressing stuff.


Monday, September 21, 2009


Participation: 100 for better understanding of emsemble excercises and taking things away from these classes. You lose yourself after a while; it's weird.

I got the email about the wrong dates yesterday. Meh.

October 9th, October 23rd, November 6th

:D Yay, awesome teacher.

So, Agammemnon. These people will not shut up about how much everything sucks.

In my translation, everything is in iambic pentameter. Normal y/n?

-The Watchman is on the roof of Agamemnon's palace. He's saying aoout how well he knows the night and all of the gods ands tuff that come with it, since he's been staying out there so much. He's waiting to light the light to signal the fall of Troy. I think he's afraid to sleep because he keeps having nightmares about what's going on (?).

-It turns to light, and he's a little happier.

-The chorus' stuff (all the way up to to 1st Strophe) just flew over my head; not gonna lie. It's the combination of Chelsea's tired, and a vast vocabulary that's just not working for me right now. The translation seems a lot better online than I thought it would be, but I need to keep trying.

- I know they talked about:

- The Trojan War
-How Zeus set Atreus's sons on fire
-how they want the Queen to tell them new aout what happened in troy (?)

completely lost. Can't wait to really get into it, though. The rhyming always distracts me, though. I hate that it distracts me. Blah.

Yay parnets' night. Woopwoop.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Sorry about that

Had no computer/cell phone access. Yay if you still accept this.

Participation: 89

Thursday, September 17, 2009

fuckfuckfuck lady gaga and her love game.

100 for 2 minutes of reality success. For the most part, anyway. Way better than freshman year, I can tell you that. I'm glad we're training more this year,cause we barely did last year. Work CAN be training, but I like it more like this.

Did not start Agammemnon (will on MOnday), but re-read the beginning of Oedy Rex. Good stuff.

You probably won't give me a 100 for this; I don't blame you.

Kristine is brilliant, but fucking stupid.

What can I talk about? Nothing too private, not on the interwebs.

existentialism. help.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


I can't control my emotions whatsoever. Why? WHY?


I feel like a brat. So, my dad got a backpack for me. Really nice, right? skajdldsaldjsakldasldjasljdska

It's with some dumb floral peace sign pattern, and I'm super upset about it. Like, I'm about to cry about it. This is really dumb. It's SO not a big deal. JUst tyring to figure out if I'm crazy or if its PMS, because all I wanted was a solid color on the backpack. I feel like the biggest asshole, cause I feel like theyre wasting their money on some thing I don't fully need in the first place. Plus, it's too small.

FUCK YOU, ptetty child. Too small?! Some people haven't had a new bookbag since 8th grade.

But the part I'm so sad about is that I didn't get what I want. I'm a bad person, I feel like a bad daughter.

...I didn't read today, and barely did my homework. So, I'd *like* to give myself a 100 for doing techthings, but you know. Vary the shit up.

Is my head going to explode? It will, eventually.

WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON IN MY BRAIN??!?!! It's the SECOND week of school, and I want a break.

I'm starting to want to punch stuff again. If any waterworks come tomorrow, sorry. It's just the pms talking, don't bother me.

PS: Can someone send Haulass to the planet she came from? Jesus fucking shit, that just gets super annoying, super fast. I don't care if it's immature to say that.


pps: ..........................i am soooo not emo

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Allergies or Sick? It's the eighth wonder of the worls. If my thoughts were like a buliding or something

Participation: 100 for actively participating in class, coherently understanding what was happening 95% of the time, and finishing Antigoneh (also coherently, not rushing too much.)

Can I get a whatwhat?

*For people who haven't read Antigone, SPOILERS*

Points of interest:

-Poor Antiggywiggy, she didn't know what was coming. Like Juliet, but a little emoer. And with BALLLLS.

-Haemon wasn't a dick like I thought he was; he did come around for his woman, even though his asshole dad pretty much is to blame for his suicide.

-NO ONE TRUSTS TIRESIAS. WTF? You should have listened THE FIRST TIME; he IS a prophet after all and is not doing it 'for the gold.' Creon sucks really bad.

-Speaking of him, he deserved what he got. Hopefully he will not die and have to live with what happened until he does die, or kills himself. The latter will probably happen, but you know. It's all good.

-I'm not sure what I think of Creon, though; like, who would REALLY go to those lengths? I guess peoples' values really DO differ that much. Whatevs.

-Where the fuck did Ismene go? I don't remember her dying. :/

-Does Eurydice have her own play? I remember that name. Poor thing, too. Sucks that both of her sons died.

**end spoilers**

Shalaaaaaa I want to move away form here. Bad parents really suck. Just cause you never learned how to take care of your fucking self doesn't mean you put it on me. Passive aggressive bitch.

Woohoo, I'm a nice person.

Yay for getting this done remotely early (for me, anyway)

I'M BACK ON NEWSPAPER. Woohooooo. And I'm going to a writing thingy with Papsie, Dbake, and that bitchy chick Mariah? Sounds like fun stuffs.

Hm. Can't think of anything else.


ps: Kristine makes me madder/sadder than Jews made Hitler

Monday, September 14, 2009


My dad is infinitely cooler than yours.

100 today, for doing ensembley things, and getting into the swing of things.

So I didn't read Agammemnon, but I'm halfway through Antigone.

It's gooooood. I like it a bit better than Oedy Rex; Antigone has some tude, and isn't a whiny bitch like her dad.


-Her two brothers die in war; one is celebrated like a hero and has a funeral and stuff, and the other is treated like a piece of poo, because he was rooting for the other side. Since Antigone doesn't want him to be resting like crap, she tries to give him a proper burial (after her sister, Ismene, tells her not to). She doesn't. A servant sees her, and she gets reported to Creon (who's KING and suddenly turned into an asshole? wtf?). He wants them both to die ('one mad by bitrh, the other by attainment '-_-). Where I stopped is when he brings in Haemon, his son; he's supposed to be engaged to Antigone, but cheeses out on her because he wants to be 'loyal' to his father and country. I'm not saying it's not admirable, but he's still a douche. There's more to come, so I'm not sure what's gonna happen with all of these characters; they all seem pretty juicy.

-I'm getting to see what you were saying about the way it was written; I thought it was all some weird kind of dlf;sdkfsdtameter or whatever. It's not. :-)

I found out that I don't enjoy things. I look back on them as they're happening, and not enojying the moment; the only memory I have is of thinking about what just happened; You know what? Those usually aren't happy memories anyway. Me want to let go. Sounds like fun.

And I'm already forgetting books? What the fack? Planners help a million though; all the small things (hehe, song) that pop in your head are writeable. Yipyipypip.

The only thing I like about McNamara's class is SSR ('Sustained Silent Reading'). It's when he doesn't teach. Ms. Austin and Cermak are nice. Harvey is Harvey. My shop teacher's a complete bitch though.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Meh, life.

Participation: 100

Why? Because I sincerely tried to write something. Even though it pooped, the SOC really helped to put me at ease. Also, for getting through a pretty good chunk of Antigone. Shawing.

My dad is getting married tomorrow...oh boy. My pop-pop wins for biggest closet creeper; he looks so cute at first, but then once he started to check Denise's friend's boobs, I was over that shit. Gross.

OH! Dates: October 16th, October 30th, November 20th.

I smell like Mexican food.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

I forgot

TEACHER BLOG on monday. Wooooooooooooooooooooooo. Can't wait for that one. Nothing on Friday as my father is getting married, and I need to help.

Read below post please.


100 today for not disturbing, follwing orders, and finishing the play.

So yeah, Oedipus is a little crazy. Poor guy gauged his eyes out. I mean, anyone would after their mother/wife killed themsleves. Anyway, points I found interesting:

-The constant change of language throughout the entire translation; I swear, this guy put all the fancy crap at the very beginning and end so when his publisher would skim through it, he would think he was doing a good job. Beginning: "whaaaaaat? this is confusing." Middle: "Oh, okay." End: All fancy. I don't understand why this is necessary. I still want to know if that's in any sort of rhythmic pattern. I'd like to know what it is.

-Pretty tragic. Pretty Greek. I want to read Antigone now. And Oedipus at Colonus. Btw, some chick who spelled parents 'parrents' wrote all over it. No help, unfortunately.

-It was a great story, but I think I'll need to read a better translation to really get a grip on it.

-On the whole, I understood it. Around 90%, I think.

-OH. And now I get all the vision references. fahchaaaaa.

-I absolutely loved the role the chorus plays in the story. Like, a medium between the story and audience. We need more of those; it makes me happy.

By the way, did you get my dates for the script?

Artseh stuff comes later; need to find a schedule where I get most things done by seven o'clock, when I'm still competent. Nightnight.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I should be asleep right now

Participation: 100 (if your grade doesn't count?) because of my newly found leadership skillz.

So, I read pages 31-60 of Oedipus Rex today.

-Oedipus finds out from the Messenger that his 'father' is dead, so he's all "Awesome. Fuck you, Apollo." and so is Jocasta, until the Messenger starts talking about how his Laius was killed, and about a child who was put into the woods with his feet pinned together.

-Oedipus finds out that the prophecy really DID come true

-Jocasta is crapping her pants and doesn't want to believe it

Most of it consists of Oedipus arguing with either Jocasta or the Chorus about how he's right and they're wrong. Still pompus, and I still feel bad for him. I'd feel like a huge sick fuck.

I'm starting to latch onto the language now. It actually does get easier. Nothing really is getting accomplished, though. I mean, nothing super important. It just seems like complaining, but maybe because I already knew what happened before I started it.

Thanks. GOD

Need to sleep, no time for teh artseh blog.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Oedipus Rex (Sophocles): Pgs 1 to 30. shawing.

So, uh Oedipus Rex. Cool stuff. WAIT.

Participation: 100 for paying attention, copying notes, and appyling what you talked about to what I read? Whaaat?

The thing you talked about with the characters mentioning anything to do with vision, blindness, blablahblah showed more than I thought it would. A couple of things I would like to discuss (with myself. awesome):

-I think I want to switch my translation, it sounds too pedestrian and modern to me. Or is it how it's supposed to be? Whatever, I guess I'll find out later.

The verses are not in any regular pattern, unless they're some quadrapootameter that I don't know of. They look like how Rosie O'Donnell writes online. For instance:

"fire island
amazing really
47 and just arrived

how is that possible
i have no clue
the ferry ride out
like stepping into longtime companion

ma'am - said a southern disbelieving voice
yes i replied - smiling inside
i watched when i was a kid
he was still a kid - 20

left med school as his parents pulled the cash
when they found out his secret
gay as could be
he was now a dancing boy in gay heaven"

That's what it looked like. Only more sentence-y. Is that *okay*?

-Oedipus is such a dick. Like, really? He's SO pompous; he doesn't stop talking about how awesome he is, and how everyone who disagrees with him should be banished, or should die. That's mature.

-By the way, Tiresias and Creon own Oedipus equally. I know that if some old bat said I killed the king before me, and then said that my relationship with my wife was incredibly screwed up, yeah, I'd be really pissed; but it sucks how he can't see how really right Tiresias is, and how Creon (i couldn't stop thinking of crayons whenever I read the name) isn't a traitor. THEY ARE RIGHT. Trust other people for once in a while, yes?

-I can't say I fully understand everything about it right now, because I don't. I'm not going to until a little later on. But I do like what I see so far (even though I read the first page of Antigone, and that already seemed miles better).

-I like the role of the chorus; it would be beyond awesome for the audience to have a chat with the characters with the play you're seeing. THAT would be awesome.

-Loved seeing the obvious introductions of characters. Throwback to Midsummer.

-I like Greek mythology, and I'm not completely lost on all of the god(dess')s' names/meanings. I *did* learn something in Ancient Civilizations in 6th Grade. And in Dvorak, I'm ashamed to admit.

-IT MENTIONED MAENADS! See? True Blood CAN teach you stuff. Not really. And when Casey mentioned Dionysus, I kneeewwwww what it meant, cause of True Blood. What culture is Bromios from? Greek, right?

- "CREON. You make no sense.

OEDIPUS. I make decisions."


WANT GAYCAKE. omnomnom.

I will start to artsy-journal when I get back into the swing of things. It's gonna be a lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggg year. Full of complaints. I'm readeh, motherfucker.

Friday, September 4, 2009

So, hi

Two of the major things that need to change: confidence and stress levels. Hm. How will I accomplish this?

No one knoOoOows.

bishaapopopopop. legitters blogging starts tuesday, woop. I can't wait to find everyone links and be a stalker person, although I hope no one else finds mine; the poor people who already know about it have probably been crushed and spit on with my words by now. I mostly mean Gabe, but you know.

i wonder if aladrenness has a blog. hm. she probably doesn't have time.

i want to change the title, it's pretty dumb. who will help me?

Monday, July 13, 2009


Fuck you, brain.

I want to blog but I have nothing to blog about. Like...I reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally want to blog.

I have blogging thoughts all throughout the day, but when it comes to putting the fingers to the keyboard...my brain poops.

Saturday, July 4, 2009


"Those labels are a necessary evil, honestly. As soon as journalists start to write about us, I feel like their first job is to find a label for the music. And if there isn't a name for it, they make one up. On the other hand, a lot of ink has been spent on us that says, "I don't really know how to classify this." That's fine with me-I actually find that rather flattering. If it's easy to explain, then it's easily disposable. But it's also been hard for this band because we had no set niche-we had no set audience or demographic who would obviously be into this band. We literally had to win people over one by one. "


On behalf of people, Sorry for fucking you over. That sucks a bit. A lot a bit.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

I told hope i was going to bed

i lied.

i did stream of conciousness on pictochat today. it was ineffective. everyone within 100 feet of me is too poor to have a ds, i guess.

Doing these all summer sounds really exciting, even though I have nothing to write about, except complaints. And revelations.

It'll come by tomorrow. Hopefully, I'll do it.

i can't wait to put my thoughts on here. it just needs to come at the right time.

I'm wondering what it's like to watch fat, awkward people dance. It really must be funny. And not like joke around dance....but like, legitimately dance. that really sucks for fat awkward people. I wonder if anyone cares to read this anymore.

I feel like I'm losing touch with everyone. I feel like I need to be around people...just not the people I'm usually around.

I wanna be a fly on a wall in some fucking place where art and people and good collide. it would be fucking heaven.

Just...ugh. I want it so badly. I feel really otu of place sometimes, and still like the freshman that no one thought had any potential. Just one of the Kristines, one of the ones they shove ner the rug when you have to promote something.
Someone who tags along with the successful classmates in order to be recognized, only to realize that you're just a parasitic insect grabbing on to what they have acheived for more respect from fellow classmates to make up for the fact that you aren't an artist.

I ALWAYS say the wrong thing at the wrong time. How will I get my fucking idol to the fucking school and not make a fool of myself, when I spent aout three minutes with her and could not have felt more like a fool the next day once I thought it over?

I want to sratch past the surface.

i want i want i want. jesus fucking christmas, chelsea-rose


iiiiii. memememememe.

fuck that shit. i'll fucking do it. I jsut need to specify what I want her to do, or jsut give her options and let her pick.

it would fucking suck if she didnt read it after all the work ill put into this.


You'll just throw it all up, that's why you have no fucking belly.

i am a complainy little bitch.

i was trying to excercise my brain to have more of those profoundy thoughts come back, but this house and my mood is a fucking creative buzzkill.


Thursday, June 25, 2009

Goodbye School. Good fucking riddance

Summer Goals:

-Read books until I'm shitting Shakespeare
-Watch GOOD movies (hard)
-Study for SATs
-Improve work ethic
-Get rid of awkwardness, therefore elevating people skills
-Get Amanda Palmer to do a workshop at SPA. How much money would that cost btw? If you want to give her money?

Anyway. I don't think I'm gonna let myself see myself.

That's really fucking bad.

Like, I almost cried when I saw those videos. I honestly don't know what I look like or act like.

I'm as tense and awkward as Kristine. Who knew? I didn't know I slumped that much, or stopped mid-movement when something exciting happened.

My fake voice does not match my body.

I was always one of those people who thought fat people or weird-looking people weren't really competent. Like, do you know what I mean?

That they couldn't really feel. Or think intelligent thoughts. I know it's weird, but someone else has to think that way beside me.

And then I look at the fucking screen, and I see me as those kind of people. It scared the shit out of me. Really badly. Like, incredibly badly. It was a really unsettling feeling when you didn't know what you were like, and were surprised in the horrible kind of way.

I don't feel like a real person. That's not good.

Plus, I left my DS at school. Whoopdeedee.

Here's to not gaining ten more pounds and switching out food for books, movies, or a bike ride.

Happy Summer.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I'm never having children. ever

Because I know I'll end up old and bitter, and would never want to take that out on a child.

The band is so good. I'm really proud of all of them.

I just don't want to know how a brain can wrap around the idea of taking your anger out on someone else, let alone your own child.

You know what? YOU chose to change diapers for a living. No one forced you get a degree in one of the most stressful, lowest-paying jobs around. Don't take your frustration out on me, and don't make reasons to get mad at ME, you fucking cunt.

I'm all about myself? No. I'm about everyone else but you.

But I think the band will be superduper if we really play our cards right. A lot of talent=yayx10093.

Radiolab is cool. It's put together pieces of things I've been trying to figure out for years.

So I sent the things since I got my extension, and was even late for that.


I feel kind of really alone right now

head fucking desk

Friday, June 19, 2009

Alrighty then

I officially can't wait for next year. it's gonna be kick ass and i'm gonna cry three times as much as i did this year. It'll be kew.


Shveeeeeeeeeeeeep. I felt really awkward. I hate mingling.

brecht=big win

kielbasa+sauerkraut=bigger win

Thursday, June 18, 2009


We don't even have to blog or give ourselves grades anymore, do we? I'm gonna try and do this over the summer. It's a great release.-

My computer's sound is coming back tomorrow, so I can watch Raging Bull on youtube then.

I want to be a grownup already. I mean, honestly? I'm not gonna be saying the same thing in 30 years, but I'm sooooooooo sick of this fucking school. I really am.

I want to be educated, not look like an asshole every time I speak, and be proud of what I do and what I stand for.

I wanna start doing yoga. I wanna read. I wanna make sure I don't get a hump when I'm 40. I wanna watch movies. I wanna REALLY understand things; not just put pretty words together to make it seem like I'm an intellectual of some sort. I want the awkward period to cease to exist.

Creation and art and beautiful and flowers and movement and loooooooooooove. And old cities. I wanna be apart of it SO fucking badly.

I don't want to be a bitchy person anymore; I'm slowly starting to see how it turns people away after a while. I've never been taught to be open. I've been taught to stay away from the 'weird' people...the 'bad' people. The different ones. Why would you want to be different? To look like a freak? To be an attention whore?

NO. So I don't end up a poor, unhappy fuckup like you.

My parents never even said anything remotely like that to me ever. Why would I say something so bad? I need to stop exaggerating.

About 90% of the people I know do it too...but it still doesn't make it right. I want to be old and wise and cool. To not have a care in the world...to be a sponge and soak up all I can.

To get rid of this one-track mind. This simpleton-y way of thinking. I need to be peaceful-er. Wait, what? I'm not peaceful at all. I'm one of the tense-est people I know.

Let's see how much of this gets done by next year.

Having the balls to create and perform is the greatest gift in the world. The vulnerability and power. It's incredible.

Overkill? Emily-y? I hope not. I want an orange. And to go to Boston.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The world makes me sad

especially the people in it. frogs should rule the world so we don't have to dissect them.

100 for filing with sisco, doing my job.

criticism: so I made a complete overhaul on the review, that's why it took so long to send. and this accounts for my criticism for today, i'm guessing.

i need to start reading. and observing.

I am the most paranoid perosn in the world...does it mean that i'm self centered? everything everyone says always has to be about me. i think everyone secretly hates me and thinks i'm annoying. and, if i ask, 'was that about me?' i'll either piss the person off or creep them out. either way, i annoy them. people pleasers=major fucking fail. awkwardawkwardawkward

I hope I didnt waste this year. I'm pretty sure I learned, but I really, REALLY want to learn more. excruciatingly badly. mdsakl;daaaa


Tuesday, June 16, 2009


100 for trying my fucking hardest on the history exam. didn't get a good grade...but I really tried my hardest.

criticism: finished my reviews on paper. will mla and send to you tomorrow.

i have senioritis and i'm not even a junior. i honestly can't wait until school ends.


Monday, June 15, 2009


100 for being invisible, getting the job done, and trying my hardest with this to get everything done. Once again, falied.

Did you get my texts or messages or emails??? I'd really like to talk to you.

My critic-y ness was useful in doing these reviews, so no reading today.

I really, REALLY fucked up badly this marking period, didn't I?

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Wow. Words cannot explain how badly I fucked up

100 for audition showcase.

this officially accounts for worst day in shop EVER. e-ver.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009



I'm so tired

I hate my mother, and I hate moving. I just...hate everyone.

It sucks becausemy grade will most likely drop because I wasn't helping out for hte entire time.

I hope the camera stuff is found...I don't feel like failing an assignment right now

100 for after school


Tuesday, June 9, 2009

I'm so stressed out right now

I'm so fucking overwhelmed right now. I'm so behind on EVERYTHINGx100000000000000000000000000000000

100 for program creation with exception of Aladren's headshot

the marking period ends in like...two days. I'm gonna throw up or cry. Most likely both. If I get to read anything, I'll repost, but it's unlikely as my mom will not get off of my fucking back.



Monday, June 8, 2009

Oh yeah

And I'm really scared that the question I asked was really, really obnoxious.

It's my glorious mental gift of overalayzation and stupidity that comes up with this crap. Why couldnt I have tried to not look like a douche and asked what her favorite cookie was?

But it has to do with the below subject anway, so. Mehp.

"Since you give so much up to your fans, in your songs and online and stuff...do you think you've given you privacy up for your art?"

read below post. night

If your pleasure turned into pain/ i would still lick for my personal gain

If your love changed into hate/would my love have been a mistake?/ i dont know/ lalala

eh. I am getting stressed and getting absolute ZIP done

100 though, for creating facebook and google groups. not putting artist bios up until i have all three though.

So, I started ready The Empty Space. It's more at my level. I feel unbelievably dumb for giving up on Anatomy of Criticism, but you know what? When I'm smarter (whenever that wants to shuffle along into my mind), I'll pick it up once more. Also, when I have more time. Time is important.

My legs smell like pretzels. Anyways.

The Empty Space: read the first part of The Deadly theatre, like...the first ten pages. Talks about commercial theatre, and how theatre in general is a self-destructive art, 'written in the wind'. i liked that. And about like...productions losing their spark after a while...trying to revive something that is dead and gone. How everything could still be intact, up to comstumes and set design and all that, but have the production be completely dead. Like how Shakespeare 'should' be put on: with fancy fairies, prouncing, music, and British oomph bitchiness that no one can seem to understand.

'The deadly trap is to divide the eternal truths from the superficial variations..."

"Deadly theatre approaches the classics form the viewpoint that somewhere, someone has found out and defined how the play should be done."

-doing theatre for money. blah. enough said.

all of that good stuff...he was just about to get into like...broadway stuff when I stopped reading, so...until tomorrow.

But now, like...since I've vented to just about everyone I know how cool this experiece was (and this can kind of go in the artseh fartseh category here) what happened when I went there.

Artists who communicate with their admirers are fucking...amazing. I just...thinking it's incredible that people can still have their feet on the ground after having thousands of people declare their love for you, let alone pay attention and love your art.

But with this particular artist, it brings up the most intruiging question: where's the mystique since technology came around? Is that a good or bad thing?

I personally think that it's cool that the middleman, the censor is being rubbed away by things like myspace, facebook, twitter, blogs, stuff like that. To have direct communication with fans is the coolest thing in the world. That they're a real HUMAN BEING, not a product used to stimulate the economy, you know? That the person pouring their heart and soul for the world to see is listening...they care about what either the fellow artist or admirer has to say. It's putting more communication, intelligent conversation, simulation, and lols in the world. Words cannot describe how happy it makes me.

Technology could either being the best renaissance-catalyst-y-esque tool ever invented, or the downfall of society. How exciting!

That wasnt even scratching the suface with fangirly-ness. But it's not all about that. Do you know what I mean? :?


Sunday, June 7, 2009

Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeealllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyy late (please take these)

100 for Thursday for Flynn

and 100 for Friday for experiencing the fucking artistic brilliance of AFP. I'll tell you about it on Monday.

did I tell you how pretty you look today?


Chelsea (who loves miniature Spaniards)

Thursday, June 4, 2009


100 for yestedaay for flynn performance

100 for today for flynn performance

i'll let you know how the play was once it sinks in.


one of the dancers farted onstage

and we have a legit fan

life is good


Tuesday, June 2, 2009


100 for staying after with dance dress

i am tired. I want to punch people


Monday, June 1, 2009


100 for FLynn dance show

thier techs really suck

she doesnt teach them how to like...you know...shut up during a tech. Goddamn, we didnt even run thorugh the whole show

oh well. hr show, not mine


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

And btw

I wanted to 'publicly' thank Hope Wondowsky for being awesome.

I will give you lotion for the callouses on your fingies and bandaids for whatever else.


"Am I losing my mind/ or just biding my time?"

Good evening.

100 for filming success. I got EXACTLY what I wanted. They either ignored it, or made fun of it. I think we got ONE sincere compliment (which I don't think was on camera :/).

So. I've been thinking, and it would be nice if you would let me do this. Since the book I'm reading right now is like...REALLY, really challening for me (yeah, I know I sound like I'm bailing out right now), so I would like to only read it a couple of times a week, and then maybe...write a paragraph on a speech or a small one-day-read essay. Or discussion. Like the one I read today.

"Why Music MattersKarl Paulnack, Director, Music DivisionThe Boston Conservatory"


(Well, today only, really) I could comment on Raging Bull. even though i havem't seen the whole thing yet.

I just want to say that muteness scares me. The only way I can express myself is on a keyboard. anyway, onto the speech.


"In September of 2001 I was a resident of Manhattan. On the morning of September 12, 2001 I reached a new understanding of my art and its relationship to the world. I sat down at the piano that morning at 10 AM to practice as was my daily routine; I did it by force of habit, without thinking about it. I lifted the cover on the keyboard, and opened my music, and put my hands on the keys and took my hands off the keys. And I sat there and thought, does this even matter? Isn’t this completely irrelevant? Playing the piano right now, given what happened in this city yesterday, seems silly, absurd, irreverent, pointless. Why am I here? What place has a musician in this moment in time? Who needs a piano player right now? I was completely lost.


At least in my neighborhood, we didn’t shoot hoops or play Scrabble. We didn’t play cards to pass the time, we didn’t watch TV, we didn’t shop, we most certainly did not go to the mall. The first organized activity that I saw in New York, on the very evening of September 11th, was singing. People sang. People sang around fire houses, people sang "We Shall Overcome." Lots of people sang “America the Beautiful.” The first organized public event that I remember was the Brahms Requiem, later that week, at Lincoln Center, with the New York Philharmonic. The first organized public expression of grief, our first communal response to that historic event, was a concert. That was the beginning of a sense that life might go on. The US Military secured the airspace, but recovery was led by the arts, and by music in particular, that very night."

Beautiful. He talks about art, and how it's necessary for survival...and with his case, music. In my opinion, music is art for the student. Someone who's learning, who's not educated and doesn't know enough to express themsleves. I'm not saying music is for dumb people or some dumb shit like that, but it gives a medium that overcomes the challenge (to some people) of language, physical expression, all that stuff. I kind of see it as a preschool playground. I don't know why. Oh my GOD..."adagio from 5th Symphony" is fucking beautiful.

THAT'S IT! Music transcends the talking barrier, the writing barrier, the physical barrier. A voice is the natural thing to express yourself. pounding on something. Letting your 'voice' be heard. It's so fucking essential for life, and everyone akes it for fucking granted. I feel so terribly bad for deaf people. Honestly. That must be fucking tragic. Ugh...people.

It's baby blocks art, but it's also so complicated to break down...even though its roots are so elemental. I need to start listening to classical, it's so emotional. And amazing. Fucking..holy crap I love art and artists. They're clever.

I feel so dumb rihgt now cause all I'm typing is jibberjabber and I'm so dumb that I can't understand the mos SIMPLE of topics. I can't even read the rest of the speech without being caught up in the first couple of things he says, like at the beginning and halfway through.

DUDE, I can't WAIT to learn and look like less of a douche. SO. Excited!!!!


and btw. It'd be cool if I could do that.


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

pick the flower now, before the chance is past

so. lalalalalallalalalala. I finished the POLEMICAL INTRODUCTION!!!

And it only took me, what...a month and a half?

This book confuses me. A lot.

What it was basically saying by the end was how, like, "the 'good' and 'bad' plays" plays discussion is a circular one. Also, how good taste is developed by the study of literature, HOW CRITICISM IS A PROCESS *diediedie*...basically summing it up in the last few pages. Also, the guy was apologizing for how the following essays are all diagramm-y. If that matters. What he *should* apologize for is for it being so all over the place. I would be happy then.



Thursday, May 21, 2009


blahblahblah. immature freshmen

100 for today as i was a nice little minion and did what i was told.

so, book time:

this book man...some of this shit just confuses the balls out of me. big words+uneducated= :(

What I have learned:

-Criticism are middlemen----> 'essentially a form of consumer's research'

-'history of taste'=new favorite term

-He kept talking about how most people considered Shakespeare the greatest poet. It's not a fact, though. It's a widely believed value-judgement.

-Comparative Criticism-deals laregly with comparitive questions of greatness and personal authority.

-Positive critisism: develops biographical criticism, which relates the work to the person who wrote it.

-Tropical Criticism: Primarily concerned with the contemporary reader; deals comparitively with style and craftsmanship, with complexity of meaning and figurative assimilation.

-Rhetorical: Closely related to social values. Goes through the moral metaphors: sincerity, economy, subtlety, simplicity, and the like.

So, this time he was just basically talking about the roles of critics, and how they should know what they're studying if the piece has to do with social sciences, but to notice that there's no sociological way to approach literature. Also, the types of judgements. And talking about widely-believed statements that are really opinions.

I feel like I'm phoning this in, and it's making me really sad. I'm just copying down notes. I'm having a really hard time understanding this book, but some of it's getting through to me, so don't worry. I'll revisit this book in senior year...maybe I'll get it then more than I would now.

I'm just so frustrated cause at the beginning it seemed like everything in there was understandable. It's prolly cause I'm feeling like absolute shit. I'm always nervous abut getting dizzy that I can't concentrate. I'm just really mad at myself right now. I need to calm down in some way before I can really learn from this book.

fjewiofejfiewifwhefihsdiofhseifhwnejkbx xmfwjrbgwufgsd7qwh392047u289rwjfkhdsjfks


Tuesday, May 19, 2009


below post=warning: read at your own risk. it's a soc

peaceizzle my nizzle


Since Emily told me to do a SOC, I'm doing it.
(...so if Emily told you to jump off of a cliff, would you?" "shut up, mom")

Aaaaaaand. GO

"alalalalala guitar hero I'm alrrady sick of this ooooh i hate doing socs via compouter i'm already prethinking lalalalallalala----amanda plamer fkfsjfsdlkdsjdkslfjkdlkk i feel like sining childhood songs in a garden where no one can hear, and make me feel bad. I am my own and yoou do not own me, doucheholes

lalalalalalalalala i am excited. kdsajsaljsk I jsut realized that covington is a killer last name and also that blahblahabhlablalahala I FUCKING FORGOT oh yeah that i can mkae myse;f almost faint. that's not good at ALL, is it? wowowowowow not good

I have such a big crush on amander palmer. Blahblahablahalhlahalhlahalahlahlahalaq

My filter is filtering and it should not be filtering. when i want to avoid saying something about someone it just blows up in my face. it's in my back thoughts and blahblahblah fuck you i want a microphone and fucking doc martens. suck my dick, east brunswick votech. you whorebag. and cuntface dickdomb i hate it i hate it

Blahahlhabalbalhalahlo brittany you dumb little bitch. no one cares you stupid cunt. gnfkgrklgjrklgjfdklgjfdkgjfdklgjfdklgjfdklgjfdklgjfdklgjfdklgjdkljklfjgdkl going out with freshman is weird

i feel dizzy and nauseus, but that's because i've been thinking of being dizzy and nauseus.ndksjfkdsjfsdkljdskfjdl woopwooooooop

kpms is weird as hell. it's the jealousy; not of like one person or something, but just the jealousy overall.

blahlalala LALA lalalalalala i want to go to fwf woopwoop even though woopwoop it blows like emily at an awkward, gawky blond male teen guitar players convention

fjsdklfjdskfd mipmopmoooposjdlksanskdsjdakdajlsd

NINJA WRRIOR 1102 muthafuckers

her blogs are amazing. and fucking lenghty. but still...ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i want to be her when i grow up

ms alexander is the biggest dykeydyke EVER. wow. what a super dyke.

I really want doc martens. who's gonna get me some? whoop, there i am, tlaking to the comstant audience in the back of my head. hoophoophoop doop se doop

jksfhdsklsankdlassklskak woopwoop im a slacker bopbopbop guitar fifties i want to be done so I'm done no im not okay maybe i am I'm done


that was my teengaer rant. COMPLETE. yay socs"

mission accomplished.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Unproductive, shop-wise

Things to do:

-Papsie bullshit
-Read more

Only 89 for today, as I did nothing special that deserves a 100. Also, I did not read, but that was because I was catching up on missed work. I'm done with all of my English. Yay.

It seems really slackerish, but I swear. Tomorrow.


Thursday, May 14, 2009


Good day.

Unbelievable talk and no embarassing night show=win

100 for show

off to watch 30 rock season finale. tootles!


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

loves the life wheere you eat chicken at 9:50 before getting up eight and a half hours later

i burned my tongue. ow. 100 for stick river

what an unattractive name for a road

let the chaos begin


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

dude, NO ONE is journaling

100 for Stick River



Btw: I will be on more zyrtec tomorrow. Don't give me heavy or potentially dangerous objects to handle.

Monday, May 11, 2009

I am tired.

I'm so unbelievably sick of the negative energy and the constant shit-talking that goes on. not saying that i don't do it, but I hate it.

100 for The Other Side of the Stick In Your Ass

Friday, May 8, 2009

One question

I just wanted to ask you...it would suck if you giving me that false hope. I hate that. That like...you know I can't do it (criticism, or maybe being some sort of intellectual in some way or another along the road), but you're telling me to do it just in case it does happen. That would blow SO badly.

It scares me. Because, if I know that my family is not a smart group of people (and I'm trying to say that in the nicest way possible. maybe my dad. that's about it), and you know how genetics are. Is it just a pointless pipe dream than to shoot anywhere higher than community college? It seems that my mind has a one-track system, but maybe that will change as my brain library (yeah, that's what it's called) just gets bigger and bigger. As I broaden my...horizons? idk. just...knowledge, i guess.

I need to get away from my mother. She was trying to brag once about how high her IQ is. I asked her. "113!"


Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Should i stay or should i go?


100 for tech for Freshie Showcase. It took me back. Eons better than ours last year.

Get back to me ASAP


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Hi, I'm distracted

100 for today for doing tech like things.

And I was lazy and did not read today, for major studying for a test, plotting out my own shirt, and helping Hopey with hers.

Reading will continue tomorrow.

I am completely distracted.

My mom is a big bitch. I didn't make her a birthday card.

Getting through it; one step at a time.

I got all of my work form Science for next week. Fweep.

I just wanna say thanks, Aladren.


Monday, May 4, 2009

One more thing

I'm still working on grounding my performance piece. I'm working on itm Hope. I'm workin for the big boys now. woooooooop

read below post


Pretentious little pricks annoy me

teenager does not equal forever, sweets
i'm bitter.

100 for today for doing tech-like things, and doing ze touches on el programo.

So, today was from page 10-17. I'm getting better day by day. Maybe tomorrow, it'll be ten whole pages. Oh no, don't want to reach for the stars here:

So as I look over my notes, I find these things most interesting:

- They guy is like ingraining this into my soul that criticism is a science. I KNOW. Shhhh.

-I'm not sure if he's trying to say if it's intangible, or if, like...it's just like an unsurmountable array of topics just waiting to conquered. He's losing me here.

-BTW, I hate people who use 'he' instead or 'he or she' or 'they.' Rawr

-You can't 'learn literaure' and how it's only the criticism and it's theories that can be taught.

-I hate poetry for the most part. It's all he talks about. I get confused easily

-And he was also vaguely talking about how pieces of art are considered crappy at the time they come out, but as time progresses, it becomes a masterpiece. I hate when that happens.

I remember watching some documentary about the Golden Age on broadway, and an old actor was talking about how everyone thought shows like "Hello, Dolly" were pieces of crap. Look at them now? Masterpieces. Brilliance. Carol Channing will now NEVER die.

Oh, and one of my own. It's kind of different, though. When Natasha Richardson was in Cabaret, everyone thought her Sally BLEW. (I actually didn't, but that's a completely diferent thing)
And NOW: "What a brilliant performance! It'll be remembered forevr blhblahblah." That annoys me. But I'm not sure if that's a completely different topic in itself.

^^^ That's it for the book for tonight.

I want to start listening to more conversations and stuff. Like, the ones where artists talk to eachother and not bore me to death, like henry rollins and amanda palmer did.

I like music a lot. It makes me happy.

I'm pretty positive I'm clinically depressed. How much does that blow?

I want to go on an "I'm jealous of women whoi are confident with their bodies" type deal of a rant, but I don't think I will. You know what I'm gonna say anyway. And it just gets pretentious, annoying, and not entertaining I guess, after a while. Amanda Palmer,I'm jealous of her confidence. Fuck you, I said it. If you're tired of me talking about her then don't read the blog, motherfucker.

Like those girls who call themselves ugly and fat when they really aren't, and then after a while people shun them or just tell them that they're right. They deserve it after a while, I think. I'm not promoting name calling, but like...that just annoys me.

I'm not making up coherent thoughts right now. Goodnight.

I hope you come to school tomorrow. It would be nice.


Thursday, April 30, 2009


Participation- I wasn't in class...

to be honest, I did not read today for the sole reason of being worn out. I'll get going on it on Monday, when I've been well-rested. Even though I haven't had that much to do. But I *did* write the Press Release for the freshman showcase, so... :-)

But yeah. What I found really weird today is that lady that when I had the workshop with in the drunk driving contest, I had those same, scared, light-headed feelings as I did when I had that stunt in school. She was a guest speaker in driver's ed that day when I almost fainted. She freaks me out anyway. I'm probably over reacting, but, it just gets me light headed thining about it, believe it or not.

I think I'm gonna add a thing or two to the newsletter and head to bed. By the way, when I have the web document preview in word, it's all sqished. Not good. Teach me things, Jedi master.


Wednesday, April 29, 2009


100 for today. I briefly discussed my short idea with Hope (it's including her, if all goes well). And watched the Big Shave and laughed my ass off afterward.

So, important things today:

I hate the school. That's all I have to say about that.

I was really too upset to read, so I right now I'm listening to a 'Hammer Conversation' at UCLA between Henry Rollins and Amanda Palmer.

They talked about a bagillion things that made me really depressed about being a critic and made me reflect on myself a bit:

-That critics are people who couldn't make art, so decided to work for the artists and critique their work, and how there would always be the slightest tinge of resentment toward them. It just shakes me down to the core. I know this is what I'll be good at and what I have a natural 'oomph' to do (along with liking to do it), but this heart-wrenching feeling that makes me want to sob and scream comes up. Remember when you talked about bad artists, and how they were like...the most depressing people in the world to think about?

-Also, about how most artists 'don't care' about what you say. Doesn't that make the whole field just...obsolete? I mean, what are we trying to prove if the artists don't listen to what we have to say? I, personally, would only have something to say to the artist as I consider them the most gifted and lucky creatures on the Earth. Giving the public a reason to praise me because I did so well in college and paid attentnion in the smart people classes is not what I'm into.

Henry Rollins calls most (who only have 'an attitude and a keyboard') "ants at the picnic." They could not do, so they write about those WHO do. That depresses the absolute shit out of me. They remind me of English teachers. My God, I hope I won't be an English teacher. Hopefully I'll be in the A-pile when the critique police judge whose work is completely gratuitous and unessasary, and whose actually has meaning and depth. Amanda was saying how she felt bad becasue she knows that the people in the office or the people critiquing her work (some of them, anyway) hate her because she's doing what they wanted to do.

But she also said that hopefully if the person knows what they're doing and is a big enough fan, I guess, they'l l be just as passionate writing about an amazing piece of music or record as they would be talking about a horrible record or song (they were talking about music critics, obviously). "If you can write well enough, you've probably 'out-arted' most of the musicians you've been talking about." :-)

"Writing about music is like dancing about architecture." Lawls.

By the way, when you're in the actual field of critique, like...as a job, do the rules you mentioned apply to the person pursuing that career? I know the thing about being mean just to be mean, but...I just want to know. Is there a difference between critiquing your peers and critiquing those who you don't know?

Also, this has absolutely zero to do with criticism, but they talked about the dumbness about people blogging. But also, about how like really dumb housewives with no exciting lives blogging about how they went to Olive Garden and saw their friend from Middle School there. But how housewives with no lives can express how they went to Olive Garden ans saw their friend from Middle School and showcase a writing talent. And how that was special...and how those people should be the majority of people doing that. Besides Britney, Katy Perry, and Mario Lopez. Because those are the people that really matter.


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

crunchchrunchcrunch my soul is dying

I don't like doing Meisner with Katelin. She makes me nervous. I know I'm low status and sweaty and nasty. Bleckbarf. Fuck off. Happy and sad I'm not acting. I love it, but I don't have like...an actor's...mind. Obviously.


A fucking billion other things to do along with moving, but I'm happy and dying at the same time. It's my masochistic ways.

I am mad. I hate my mother. Fuck you for not knowing the shit I'm doing right now. Fuck you.

About the criticism book. Pages 5-10. I'm improving, day by day....

This guy's fucking ideas are all over the place, talking about criticizing poetry, Shakespeare, litertaure, all going and back forth between the three of them. Can't wait until I get into an actual essay about ONE thing.

Things I found intriguing:

-When artists criticize their own work, and how it's ridiculous to have some random critic judge the final product of what you've put your soul into. Even though they have to right training and crudentials and knowledge to do so.

-How Shakespeare would be totally not understanding our criticism of his work today, making the only...'relevant' or 'definitive' critique of any of his works would be from his time.

-The guy keeps bringing up a billion differnent points as to why criticism deserves and has its autonomy in the field. I swear, he needs to get his ideas togehter. It's probably just some central theme I'm missing.

-Before starting to actually critique things, read up on all the important shit, formulate your own stances on them to not look like a complete douche, which is what I will start to do over the summer.

-How much my vocabulary blows, and how badly I need an SAT vocab book. I mean it's not terrible, but there are words are I shoudl know already in this book. All the big words and the blibbityblabble is confusing to a dumbass like yours truly.

-The theory that criticism can be a science (as well as an art) but not like boring 'unimaginative and barbaric' science, but 'systematic' or 'progressive' in its steps.

-Also, on criticizing Shakespeare: 'interpreting in terms of a conceptual framework which belongs to the critic alone.

That's mostly it.

100 today for actively participating (for the last time) in Meisner. Me and acting are over. This was just the nails being jackhammered into the coffin. Goodnight.



Monday, April 27, 2009

brain diahrrea

ow, brain hurt.

100 for today as I participated and went to Flynn's for practico.

So. I'm fucking pathetic. Four and a half pages. It's been a long night.

I have a bunch of people and their work to look up. I like this guy who wrote this. He's clever. For right now, it's covering a plethora of different subjects, or it seems so to me. Like, the possibility of the parasitism of critics. That theory really intrigues me, cause I know where it comes from. People wanting to be surrounded by art, "but both lack the power to produce it and the money to patronize it, and thus form a class of middlemen..." That artists like to think of critics as artists manque.
Or, "the attepmt to reach the public directly thorugh 'popular' art assumes that criticism is artificial [and consequently uneeded?], and public taste natural."

"Synoptic view." It has a snazzy ring to it. It looked important.

sighsighsigh. I took a billion gillion notes of qutoes I liked. if you want to see them. Your highlights also helped like 600%, btw. Thanks. :-) I also learned many new words tonight and feel supersmart.

I think I really need to read more than four and a half pages to formulate an opinion, though. It'll sound less like I substituted quotes for my own opinions as I get farther and farther. I promise.


Thursday, April 23, 2009

Gogol Bordello shirts and black skinny jeans

Super question: since my major is no longer acting, shoud I still do actor's journals?

Voice: Shuffle
Movement: Mamma Mia. I was dancing to it. For like, 20 minutes on a loop. Bitches.
Reading: :/

Participation: 100 for the Biscko discussion

As I am currently getting yelled at for not being in bed, I will contact Chantal tomorrow. And Dvorak.

I'm officially:

-Theatre editor for the school newspaper (meeting on Tuesday)
-Manager for JNBTNN
-Editor of the SPA Newsletter (not technically as of yet, but you know)
-Elmo Stroganoffsky


I beat you



I need to do a karaoke verite of Mamma Mia!!!

Who's in? I swear to god, it'll be fucking incredible

Journal will be later. I needed to get that out.


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Lalalala Excited

excited for CRUNCH TIME!

It gives such a high, doing a bajillion things at once. Hopefully I can do it

Voice: Songs from bad musicals and movie musicals
Excercise: :/
Reading: :/

Participation: 100 for contacting everyone except Marshall :-) And for small changes I'm about to make on the newsletter. Just dates and stuff, but still.

I feel proud myself for pushing Mr. Biscko. Hopefully, he doesn't find me annoying yet. I'm going fifth period to see him.

And I need to find a title. Suggestions/Thoughts/Comements?


Tuesday, April 21, 2009


No set. Blehblehbleh

I sweat SO much today, it was crazy. Yuck

Voice: Shuffle
Movement: SplitsnStretches
Reading: Picked up As You Like It.

Participation: 100

for unbracing like 5 or 6 things, altogether. Like, all the parts that I did combined.

I listen to bad musicals. Why??

Also, Papsie pulled me over and was talking to me about doing something for the newspaper. I told her I would, but I don't know what to do...exactly. And I have yet to talk to Biscko. He's been 'really busy'.

I'm going to sleep.


Monday, April 20, 2009

i be bloggin muhfucka

100 for staying after for both auditions. do i have to do the voice/reading/movement since i was there?



I'm happy. yayayayay

And the freshman are adorable. I <3 them. Especially the girl who had the holocaust monologue. I haven't (internally) laughed so hard in my life. Not like I was any better than her when I auditioned, though.

I stank so bad today. Cause you wanted to know. I hate smelling like a dead animal.

i just saw lightning. i should finish this.

I would like to send you some last-minute changes after I talk to Biscko (hopefully tomorrow).

And like, I've been in a manic happysad mood lately so. Yeah, I lied.

It's probably just PMS. cause you wanted to know about my menstrual cycle


Sunday, April 12, 2009


I fucking hate having a one-track mind. I'm a simpleton who's trying not to be.

I'm trying to be an artist of SOME sort, and I feel like fucking roseanne barr.

There's no fucking spark of creativity in me.

What the fuck? I feel trapped in a bubble of retardation.

happy fucking easter

Thursday, April 9, 2009

im a spinster

it's becoming set in stone.

movement: showing off my ability of split-yness during school
voice-singing. youtube things. seerauber jenny. stuff like that
reading- bleh :-[

participation-100 for pretty much cleaning up the enitrety of dressing rooms with katelin and casey

just about to email biscko and go to bed


i'm going to have nothing to do. i'm broke and i have no social life. i'm a definite winner, everyone.


Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Movement: cheerleading streches. allll the way back form third grade.
Voice: Just my shuffle
reading: I was reading part of gut girls, but i got bored and stopped.

participation: 100 for doing newslettery things.

emailed flynn.
typed up the first draft.
did the alumni thing.

now, all i neeed to do is wait.

and the stuff you were talking about before was so freaking exciting. :-)


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

something other than...sweeeeeeeneeeeeeeeey

Got the first theatre part of the newsletter done which i'll show to you tomorrow (handwritten)

all i need is the dance part, the biscko thing, and the thing you were telling me about and i'll be set. anyway

Voice: Alto's Lament: Great song:-)
Movement: Stretches. I put both legs over my head at almost the same time today. :-)
Reading: meepmipmmop
Participation: 100 working on the newsletter. fweep :-)

it's so stupid. when i have a show: supportive teachers with bundles of homework

no show=no homework. wtf?



Monday, April 6, 2009

one more thing

You know how some kids who are in their community production of Cinderella, and are like "ACTOR ACTOR ACTOR I'M AN ACTORRRRRRRRAWRIEATYOUNOW" and are *so* insistent on showing off and talking about the show outside of rehearsal? and being like "zomg it went so wellll i can't wait for the showwwwwww let's talk about what happened todayyyyyyyy"

and some kids keep it on the downlow and don't talk about it.

like, the kids i knew from camp who did professional shows on broadway and stuff and really didn't seem to give a rat's ass. I get that now. Not like they didn't care, but...you know

not in your face

silent proudness of yourself.

read the post below, por favor


back to this again. getting back into step with things.

Movement: calf stretches and avoiding fainting/throwing up
Voice: Across the Universe cover by Rufus Wainwright
Reading: Nuffin. gimme a break, it's my first day back.
Participation: 100 for a potential career major switch [and starting the newsletter]

You cannot believe the huge fucking weight that's been lifted off of my back now. Like...with acting, it's just one of those things.

I love it, can't live without it around me, I'm just no good at it. I try...but I'm pretty sure it's not for me. I go into denial for periods of time, putting myself through all these illusions and shit (not good for my phsyche and wellbeing, but you know). It's unbelievably painful to know what you love is what you suck at.


I'm very excited.

Although I don't want like a...wall to build up around my thoughts like I did with acting and have like...a creative filter, I guess. No one should ever use thaty term, 'creative filter.' How fucking horrible is that?

It's like this huge weight is lifted and I'll start coming into my own. hopefully. and, also, awkwardness slipping away (slowy but surely) is a step up, eh?

OH. and I'm going to the doctor next week to see if I have an iron defficiency. Is that spelled correctly?

Do you know what's so scary? I used to have perfect spelling and perfect grammar, and now I can like...feel it slipping away. That's one of the most suckiest feelings. Ever.

Oh! And I came up with a template for the newsletter, yay. And I'm writing the article as we speak. One for theatre, one for dance seems to be fair.

I feel like I'm typing like Gabe. Oh boy.

anwyay. I'll only have the template fully for you by tomorrow, although I'll start writing it more thoroughly after I get off (my mom is being a major bitch).

hopefully, this is gonna work out. cross the fingers, kiddies


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

holy shit


the show is tomorrow

oh my god

100 for tech

oh my god

im so excited. and scared

peace :-)

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Friday, March 27, 2009


soooo happy i get to sleep in a bit tonight :-))))))))))))))

I'm getting so excited :-)

100 for rehearsal


Thursday, March 26, 2009


I'm like...happy. not super tired (although tired), not mad, not pissed at anyone. I feel happy :-)

100 for rehearsal


Wednesday, March 25, 2009


homework, then sleep. oodles of fun

but the run through=major yays. its coming along :-):-):-)


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

AHHHHHH I HATE SCHOO...oh wait, don't wanna be an e***y

100 for rehearsal

i dont like it

i dont learn anything valuable

drivers fucking ed can suck my dick. i will record the video tomorrow

i have learned today that i am a really fake person. like, not kidding...it's really bad.

is everyone else like that?

i should be doing english homework right now

i want to bash my head into a wall

in the bad way

i want to punch things
i am mad about nothing
i think i might be clinically depressed

fucking sonnets

shakespeare is a fucking asshole

i must seem like the hugest bitch to everyone right now
i sure as fuck feel like one
i'm a bitter, old heffer at 15.
i think i spelled heffer wrong

i feel like im getting a tiny bit awkward-er as the days go by. like i'm rocking back and forth trying to get out of a bubble and kicking and screaming and i just end up looking like the fat ugly awkward one who makes unfunny, stupid sex jokes to make people like her, and it just ends up pushing more people away. that blows a lot

i feel like a fucking simpleton. a degenerate

poop is the best way to describe how i'm feeling right now

i feel like fucking poop


Thursday, March 19, 2009

I have no school tomorrow

100 for rehearsal



Wednesday, March 18, 2009

rip natasha richardson :-(

i can't believe she's dead. that fucking blows

100 for rehearsal

today was a nice day. less stressy than it usually is

it was really nice out



Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Dead with chapped upper lip

wtf is with natasha richardson?

100 for rehearsal

i feel like one of the immature, bad kids sometimes at rehearsal. i don't like to feel like that. like someone is going to scold me for whatever someone else is talking to me about.

if i ignore what they say, i get dirty looks. if i go along with it, i get the 'you're a pos' look from soeone else. it fucking pisses me off like no other

piss off, you uptight asshole stupids

i feel SO dumb right now in so many aspects. and i feel really fat

big stretch from most days, i know

I want to punch someone where it will hurt them a lot

i want to read a book and not be considered a simpleton

i don't want to get purposely hurtful nasty looks and snide comments from people i don't even talk to

sing out louise

kiss my fucking ass, you twats

i hate people who make fun of you by just giving eachother looks and smirking. that is so fucking uncool

and how fucked up is that sinister meant left-handed in the olden days? Why are leftys horrible? fuck you, righties

i want my allergies to go away

i want assholes to stop being assholes and just create goo juju and do their own fucking job

hostility is the beginning being of bad juju

i want everyone to know that

and i want everyone to listen to a david sedaris essay, he's really cool

and another thing

i hate being excluded

cant say how many times i've said that

it's just as well

i don't know anyone who reads this and legitimately cares


Monday, March 16, 2009

Happy 101 Posts!

since i was a dumbass and forgot to celebrate my 100th. yayayayayayay

100 for rehearsal

francesca smiled at me today. i think she knows that i'm scared of her

my shoes smell like corn chips

i think today was a productive day

i really wanna go up on that bridge


Thursday, March 12, 2009

i am sick

100 for rehearsal

i am cold and hot. i dont like being cold and hot


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

i am cold

and coughing. and have phlegm (spelled it wrong, i did). welcome to zee theeahtah

100 for rehearsal

i like tim. tim is nice. he does not intimidate me and make me feel poopy.

why did everyone stop doing blogs? it is a nice release for me.

i wanna sing a lot. i do

i like it. it's a confidence booster. i entertain myself like that

i am procrastinating. i should be doing homework.

my mom says i should ask you about the the internship at Two River because it's so close to where she works. So I am. More information would be nice. she says that if i 'don't have the drive to do it' i shouldnt do it at all. what a bitch, right?

Why do i really blow that badly at acting? like. i really do. i really, honestly. like. i am sooooo. bad. it's not good at all.

these are baby-punching moments here.

glad you enjoyed the video.

on to homework. hopefully

paper due in two days that is worth two exam grades. really stoked about it.

two quizzes tomorrow. super excited.

i am letting my schooling get in the way of my education

i need to learn how to write in paragraph form


ps. i feel a bad sick night is about to ensue. mehmehmehmeh

Tuesday, March 10, 2009



100 for rehearsal


Monday, March 9, 2009

yay for bieng called bigbird

by someone who's in nightschool to learn something they should have learned 10+ years ago...i'm so offended XD

100 for rehearsal. yay it didnt blow


Friday, March 6, 2009


im so fucking pumped for the show...it seems every group is awesome except the rude mechs. yikes.

Super 100 for rehearsal and all that jazz.

on an unrelated note

hoping to jesus w. bush that she doesn't read this, ariana mistook something about someone in shop calling her and ashley a bad name. when it was me. she said it was someone else, i but know i said it XD

either way, she's great. :-)

i felt like i did jack today. i know i didn't, but still. i wanna block

and act

and actually compare in some stature to everyone else


Thursday, March 5, 2009


100 for rehersal

blop. i don't get why i'm so tired if no one else is. maybe i'm just fooling myself into thinking i'm tired.

help meh


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

omg you guys

fucking grow the fuck up

and please open the door when i bang on the window and scream for you to do it and NOT ignore me (javi deserves a high five btw)

i swear all of you guys can be such dicks. not kidding

on top of a not stellar day, this shit?


100 for rehearsal

ari is good


Tuesday, March 3, 2009


100 for rehearsal

yay for getting somewhere :-) shockers ensue


Friday, February 27, 2009

even though i left school early

100 for coming to rehearsal after school


to everyone: bad juju=bad show

putting it out there


Thursday, February 26, 2009

he's so preeeeeeeetty

he touched me ms. he's so HOT. oh my god

i was sweating. really badly

100 for staying after btw

i need a boyfriend

this is getting pathetic

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

before i forget all of this

100 for staying after

francesca and steven are beasts

and now i really know what youre talking about. watching other people do it really spells it out for you.

just for chelsea notes are to youtube clowns at some point, and google a shitty home in cranberry.


p.s. feel better, drennypoo. ilu :-)

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

chew us out. im ready for it

i didn't do anything wrong. totally ready for it

100 for staying after. finally got to act today

to evryone: fucking eachother over=bad


Monday, February 23, 2009

and beeteedubs

my mom actually doesnt have a problem with me staying after a lot. its a miracle from the buttocks of jesus christ himself

(look at below post please)

i have a pounding headache

100 for staying after, darling

hahahahahahahha miss i love you more than anything. flynn can suck it

yay for new freshman. we really are old. ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Friday, February 20, 2009

woopwoopwoop im not actually COMPLETELY dead

100 for staying after please.

and the quote is too long to write. buy 'the reader'. its right before chapter six. like, the entire page and a little before that. anyway

steve jones is amazing

and boobop. screw anyone who talks shit about musicals and doesnt know about them. they suck

i want to be wehibdsjufbsaifbdusiflbdsafjklsda. i want to be awesome. and no one can stop meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

i want to sleep


Thursday, February 19, 2009

i do absolute jack without rehearsal. i need a life

Movement: walking
voice: stuff from funny girl
reading: julius caesar. all of those guys are legit pussies. no lie

participation: 100 for 'blending into the masses', doing what i was told and giving (hopefully helpful?) line notes

casey and i are trying to get meagher-diello to sub instead of dvorak. she said she would talk to you so :/

and yes. help is needed. it would be nice. only sophomore year my ass, dude. :///////////

why do people ignore hints? it doesnt make anything disappear. maybe THEY should

i really don't like being at home. not at all. my mom is 'threatening' to 'take me out of the show' which she wouldn't do in a million years because she knows if i went back to district i'd be doing stupid shit. she says that my lack of organization skills about rehearsal are interfering with what she has to do and get done in her life.

yes, I'm sorry, mom. your busy schedule of sitting on your lazy fat ass and eating popcorn and chips must really take a toll on your nerves. how DO you stand it?

and btw, the boy character from 'the reader' is scarily close to me. i'll get the quote tomorrow, if i'm not dead.


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

if mama was married lalalala

and never gets carried away

100 for staying after and brusing my wrist in the name of this fine show

not to be stealing emily's style, but i really am done with high school.

fuck you temper and fuck you rich, snotty, girls who look like a cross of a puertorican bunny and saint bernard who should keep their mouths shut



Tuesday, February 17, 2009

i can't come up with any wisdom. i am tired

Rofl to the copter. I'm really glad I'm not gonna be an actor XD

Movement: chasing my dog around the house for at least 10 minutes to get him to take a bath. ugh
Voice: 'I'm a Star' by Scott Alan. It's the dumbest yet best song ever
Reading: MSND
Participation: 100 for becoming better with powertools (miraculously) for the five minutes i helped matt unscrew that big fucking thing in the wing. i really suck a them and have gotten a lot better :-)

i've supposed to have gotten my hair cut for the past week. i haven't. it pisses me off. becasue you wanted to know

go see slumdog millionaire, btw. good, good stuff.

underground musical theatre is the shit. just saying

and jersey girls make me want to throw up. it's like the south but 10 times worse.



Thursday, February 12, 2009


even though my gpa is only at like 3.4 (out of 4) now :/

100 for staying after

i didn't realize how talented and hot steve jones is

after that beat thing, i would hop on that

no lies, man


Wednesday, February 11, 2009


100 for staying after



Tuesday, February 10, 2009

So. boobopbop


Movement: Stretches
Voice: Shoofle
Reading: La Casa de Barnarda Alba
Participation: 100 for taking lead on Emily's and my Props thang. We're not finished :-) boopbopbop

alright. just wanna put this out there:

YOU are not high and mighty. You are not a teacher's assistant. This means that you do not cut people off in conversations, make your opinions seem like the only ones that are 'right' and 'matter', and subjugate others for putting their feelings foward. It's not being 'artistic' or 'expressive.' It's being a douche

and one more thing. wipe your feet at the door, dumbfucks. don't drag everyone else down with you. RAWR

that felt better

so much for trying to not complain as much



Monday, February 9, 2009

i died around 730 or 8

100 for staying after

yay for me not getting a c and maybe doing a GOOD musical next year



Friday, February 6, 2009

and also, beeteedubbs

instead of knowing 100% jack douche about the light board

i now know 95.5% jack douche about the light board

great thanks, daniel baker

i salute you

reading below post would be appreciated

what the jack

100 for staying after

holy fuckballs. i hate not having ONE sexy, sex-linked, or even sex-related bone in my body

i felt like such a douche and i looked like it


i feel retardedly stupif poopfaced today. i probably looked like a stiff contortionist with down syndrome.

and i mean this in the most sincere way


Thursday, February 5, 2009

Hellooooo, ms. lady


movement: jumping jacks
voice: a retarded song from shreak the musical
reading: just going over lines
participation: 100

for getting a 100 for my memorization. because it was that hard XD

your comment made me misty, even though that is really corny.

i feel like im getting that stomach thing. and im supoosed to stay after? wootwoot :////////

I am going to bed



Wednesday, February 4, 2009

just kidding about the vocals

just sand some shit from rent


looking at below post works, too

Um. so

I'm going to bed really early.

Movement: running back and forth in the halls since that thing was blocked off
Voice: Zippos
Reading: MSND before we started

Paticipation: 100 for staying after

So. Yeah. I sound like a functioning human being when I write. It's more of a stream of conciousness (these things, I mean) then anything else. It's hard to let go of something you've done for so many years.

Like...I've been dumbing myself down since elementary school just so I would make friends.

This sounds really REALLY pompous, but I believed I was smarter than most of my class, and at the time being different=diediedie, so that's what happened. And it's easier said than done to change. But I guess if i don't want to be miserable for the reast of my life, I guess I have to start anew now. I'm just kinda lost of how to. So just get back to me on this, pleasies

fuck you for being so smart


Monday, February 2, 2009

I am not coming in tomorrow

I really, really don't feel good.

Movement: Roller blades
Voice: While My Guitar Gently Weeps
Reading: MSND
Participation: 100 for helping out with the speedthroughette and giving line notes

i am tired. i feel like crap

i am going to bed

no interestings for today



Sunday, February 1, 2009

fuck you and fuck everybody

i can say with all my heart and soul that everyone sucks huge donkey clitoris

im completely legit about this

i did a lot work


you, whoever you are reading this

you have no life so you come to MY blog??? REALLY?



everyone sucks


im so mad right now

fuck it


Friday, January 30, 2009

i think pooping on people's faces would make me feel better


movement: iceskating ghetto style on the little ice thingies behind the school
voice: zip -_-
Reading: zip

I mean, i stayed after... :/

Participation: 100 for not being in the way and for staying after and helping for like .0000000012 minutes

I'm getting sick.

that blows.

and i worry for people

people knows who people is so. bsaldahlhiawhadlsa

honestly, the senior showcase was really good

the sound blew though

but whatever

jessica really impressed me :-) she will go places

and yeah. i love ari to death, but she is looking mighty crackwhoreish these days, and is heading down a crappy path.

and i want to chop her friend megan's cock off

oh, and my blades came today.

and of course there are a 6 and not a 9 and do not fit and are disgusting

and i think that why i am so upset is clearly indicated in my journals. :/

i rawr in your face

sleeep is the best medicine
